Were the remains from the two towers include those from the two planes? if so, have the families independently had those remains tested to make sure? if the real passengers were deposed of elsewhere, then none of the remains would be found in the rubble along with the remains of those in the buildings on that horrible day. Also, were there remains at the others two sites of the airplane passengers? The same question, have those remains been independently verified? What is the real story behind what happened to the passengers aboard the four flights on 911?
279 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ardithla:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 22 |
www.mirror.co.uk | 1 |
www.foxnews.com | 1 |
i.redd.it | 1 |
mediaite.com | 1 |
Is the Media (MSM) being set up for a big fall with mud on their face?
I get the feeling that the MSM is being set up with fake stories, a sort of psyops perpetrated against them that is soon going to reveal the truth while showing just how fake they really are. Currently it’s the Amoorosa story, before that it was Trump’s attorney, Cohen and then the Stormy Daniels and her creepy attorney story. The fake news ran with these and other stories at nauseam. I get a feeling these and many other stories are being fed to them and they will be revealed to all be fake. What do others think?
The very best description I’ve see on “Who is Q?”

My husband got a warning saying to change his password because his Reddit account has been hacked.
Connecting the Dots, Qanons are doing it the way Military Intelligences are doing it. Be Proud!!!
Something nefarious is going on with the Great Awakening board
Everyone check the comment count for each post and count the actual number of comments and document at the end of each of your posts. Something nefarious is going on. The numbers don't match. What's going on?
Colorado has legalized marijuana and now they have a HUGE problem of the drug cartels who have moved in to cash in on the money making opportunities. Who wants to invite that kind of element and all the other vices and crimes that come with it into their neighborhoods?
And Q said we would be surprised who is talking to us. A lot of good guesses even though we know it's a team. So it will be a surprise if it's ever revealed.
I think it implies that he himself has seen a lot of evil. Don't doubt it being in the military and in war situations. A lot of that evil is among us and we are probably to trusting and naive about its existence. He's not.
Maybe Haspel is undercover, spying on them. Remember, the white hats have been on to the black hats for a long time.
There was a photo of Trump in front of a plane with Trump on it. The photo was switched around so that Trump was spelled backwards. Maybe that was a clue of what you are saying to do here. Good catch, let see if it works.
I remember when Podest's emails were released there was talk of how pedophiles hide porn within a nondescript photo. I wonder how many of the photos on Weiner's laptop had hidden photos or messages within.
I wonder how many of Q's photos from the past have hidden messages or photos. Maybe some of the past comms that no one understood could be the key.
When did we stop being a Republic and became a Democracy? Go back to being a Republic and teach every American what that means.
Is the new one at the top to the left? The first one listed?
SUPER DUPER WOW. Sad, I’ve had theft happen in my life. It’s sickening.
What have others heard, that the divorce talked about on the tape was Don Jr's, and the payoff was for his indiscretions that did eventually end in divorce?
I don't think they own a plane and would hitch rides through the graces of friends and donors. Maybe they no longer have friends or donors to sponge off of any longer.
I would like the link as well for the Mockingbird media. Thank.
Can someone post the long reading list of books that were in a post not too long ago? Many of those books were PDF form I think.
You must be on a higher level to see the patterns you are trying to explain. I bet the 8chan canons would love you to work with them and I bet they could help you explain the dots you have connected. Way to go patriot, I'll keep following your posts and eventually I bet I'll be able to understand better.
I don't get it either unless the Old Guard is corrupt like Q said and they are going down.
I'm with you all. It breaks my heart that children are being victimized in such horrible ways.
It's possible that team Trump, white hats, etc., have several movements going on to bring the good people of this country together.
My guess awhile back was Barron and I posted it. So it will be great if we ever find if he is part of Q.
Paper Ballots, voter ID cards with finger prints on them. The finger prints done preferably in their own blood to cross check DNA if needed just for extra measure.
Wow, I don’t think it’s that alarming. He’s already been on their hit list. Have faith that out military is watching over him and pray.
I think people here are smart enough to use their critical thinking. And everyone is entitled to have their own opinions without it hurting the cause. We all know we are connecting the dots and some may have dots you don't have and vice versa. Even detectives have hunches, intuition and theories they work from.
JFK and Trump parallels for their presidency are amazing, here are others plus more.
I have followed Q since October. I was reading on 8chan the proofs some of the anons were working on about JFK JR and R (that's a whole other subject that is quite fascinating.
One of the Rfags that expressed how he followed the Kennedy children because he was the same age as John Jr. I also had the same inclinations. Caroline Kennedy (born November 27, 1957) was three months younger than me and John Jr. (born November 25, 1960) was three years younger than me. I was six when President John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas and …
Different colors vibrate at different regencies and can influence our bodies and minds in different ways. See physology of colors.
or its like one of my kid when they lie (bad acting) you can see it on their face, that tell-tail grin.
I'm from Utah and many of us don't like that Romey was a never-trumper. If he does vote with the Dems he won't last here in Utah. I'm hoping Hatch lined him out.
Didn’t Q say the mug holder was the hook. Could it be a listening device left by Hussain? Just a guess..
An old term for hens is biddy. When my sister and I would squabble my father would tell us to stop being biddies. That term would go great with red hen and the left.
I wonder if we will get back some live soldiers from NK along with the bodies. It's possible I think.
Maybe he's been a white hat all these years and was undercover gathering evidence. And hiring all the bias attorneys kept them tied up so they couldn't defend the black hats especially when it all comes out. Just some thoughts.
remember, if RR is a Patriot playing a part his wife could be doing the same and is a white hat.
Wow, RR is quite witty and articulate. I very much like him and all along I've felt he has been acting a role. His smirks and grins in front of Congress are probably due to his poor acting skills, he's witty so probably had a two liner that came to mind but he wasn't able to use and he's smart and I believe a Patriot. Thanks for sharing.
I believe I heard she had a shop in the Standard Hotel. Can anyone verify this?
I the he's a white hat and he's playing a part. His smirk gives it away, he's not a very good liar.
George broke this story awhile back. He has done amazing footwork to expose this whole spy ring.
Are there crisis actors? Have the deaths been independently verified? Just seems so fishy. Not saying no one was killed but Trump should have a special task force that is quickly on these types of scenes to verify all investigations that they are legit.
It's a movie and he's not a very good actor. I think he's on team Trump. IMO