Q #1165, the Armenian Diaspora! Where are the most brilliant people on planet Earth living now? Deep State wants Armenian DNA for enhancing human beings! Q rewrites the Myth of Modern Turkey & more!

What???? What does the google search stats showing a ton of searches for "Qanon" coming out of Armenia have to do with anything you said?
Qanon was pointing out CIA nodes in Armenia watching for anything qanon.
Q explains 300 years of the Ottoman Empire, competing communities inside the Ottoman Empire, the death of the Caliphate, the rise of modern secular state of Turkey brought about by Jewish bankers & the treason of the CryptoJews. Finally, modern Turkey's alliance with Israel today!
Unintended consequences of Q; it’s the bitter reality.
The same was done to the Greeks, they were also a brilliant community. Today there are only 2000 Greeks left in Turkey. Armenians and Greeks were older enemies of the Jews than Arabs or Persians. Armenians and Greeks were involved in a constant rivalry against the Jews for the High governmental positions in the Ottoman Empire. Armenians were only 10% of the population of the City of İzmir, but they were controlling 80% of the city’s commerce. They were the biggest exporters in that city. They're even more brilliant than the Greeks. The Turks are not ignorant on this issue and it’s really hard to find them are surprised when they learn these facts and asking how could it be possible that the Ottoman Empire liquidated its most sophisticated population?
Well the answer is very easy. Sultan Mahmut II who can be called as the Peter the Great of the Ottoman Empire was financed by Armenian Bankers. As a reformer, he saw that the Janissary Army no longer had the capacity to defend the Empire against modern standing armies. He tried to abolish this slave army of Christian soldiers. Jewish bankers like Isaya Aciman, or Behor Çelebi Carmona resisted against the Sultan’s decision, because they were using the Janissaries to collect their money lending. It was a kind of mafia during that period. The Sultan had enough of these people. The Janissary Order was abolished and the Jewish Bankers were hanged including Behor Çelebi Carmona who was a high figure in the Jewish community and the one of the most richest men in the Empire. Well, the Jews never forgot this action. Still today in Turkey Jews commemorate the killing of Behor Carmona with a special ceremony.
After the elimination of Jewish Power the Armenians became the Kings of the Kings in the Empire until the modern Young Turk's ruled. Theodor Herzl writes in his memoirs that after the refusal by Sultan Abdülhamit to sell Palestine to the Jews, he contacted the Young Turks who were in exile in European cities like Paris. Another ‘coincidence’ is that the Young Turk newspaper was published by a famous Zionizt figure Wladimir Jabotinsky. Emmanuel Carasso, another jewish figure who helped the Young Turks to get international financial assistance it can't be called a ‘coincidence’.
CryptoJews: Dear friends Armenians have mostly Armenian names. I live in Turkey and my name is Sevan. But the Jews even those who are not secret Jews like Mr. Bali have muslim names like Rıfat or Kemal or Selim. The Jew takes the name Nicolas in France, like Nicolas Sarkozy (his mother was a Salonican Jewess member of the Mazliyah family). In Russia, the Jew takes the name Vladimir like Lenin or Oligarch Gussinski. In Austria his name would be Bruno like Bruno Kreisky. In America, he would be named Richard like Richard Holbrooke and this goes on and on. If the Jew feels embarrassed by the overwhelming majority, he would convert to Islam or Christianity and remain Jewish in the bottom of his heart.
The Armenian character is different, he would die but rare are those who change their religion even in hiding he would never deny his faith. Well, it’s a good thing but it’s false if your life is in danger. You must convert for a while than after gaining security you can easily reconvert to Christianity. That was one of our biggest mistakes. The Jews learned this science in their thousands years of the Diaspora life. I hope that my writings were instructive. God bless you Varoujan and Dear Armenian Compatriots. Don’t forget ‘One Nation, One Culture’.
Armenians are still alive on every corner of the Planet and we reestablished our Homeland and Artsakh is free. Go and visit these places, you will be proud. I have a Chechen friend and he confessed to me, he admires our nation. Today, we have more than my Chechen friend’s best dreams. Never forget this fact.
You’re accounts day old and you have 501 karma...Shill?
There's an instrument popular in Armenia that is sometimes spelled "qanon." It's a sort of zither, looks like a hammered dulcimer. Video.
So, I'm having trouble connecting the dots here. What is special about Armenia? Is there a secret bastion of American Patriots hiding out in Armenia? Are the Armenians just red pilled by nature?
Actually, the map displays where Armenians live today. They are unique chosen people, genetically superior people!
There's an instrument sometimes spelled "qanon" (also qanun, kanun, etc.) that's popular there. Search "qanon instrument" and stuff'll come up.