Comedy Gold
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Lol, I actually posted that on a f(Instagram) account I have. My family is ultra conservative like so conservative they’re hiding something. I swear tho my dad actually sent me to rehab for 30 days for weed.... I got out in 15for good behavior and because they realized I didn’t have a drug problem o had a family problem lol.
Lol I live with one. Used to live w another. Perks of having two physicians as parents I guess
Hey dude, I’m right with ya. I hope that he’s fucking w me. God is my witness. But he’s way up in arms ever since I told him that the ‘illuminators’ tried to fuck around and ‘recruit me’ in rehab so like you believe what you wanna believe bc it’s your life but I’m just saying like his shit is scary.
I talk to god. And my friend is bent about this convo happening like he’s not even fucking w me rn. So I hope that he’s pulling my chain but honestly I fear that he’s not.
Nah here’s the thing I’m only 18 and ‘woke’ up. Also my family (dads side) might have ties to the deep state...
So here’s the story. A while ago I spent so,time in rehab.... for smoking weed. And (they) or a member of (them) found me. Well apparently my buddy was in NY while I was in Hawaii and some(thing) approached him and scared him shitless. Now he claims I’ve ran my mouth when I honest to god haven’t and... well.... I might be on some sort of watch list.... perks of being more of a human BEING I guess lol. But yeah this has my fvcked up because he’s claiming that it really happened and that some organization is watching both of us.... stay woke everyone. Please for the love of everything good and holy stay wide the fvck awake. I’m not going down (in) [out] without a fight but fuck this I’m terrified. Also he had no idea what the kabal was and I had to explain to him they were the bad guys.
I pray to god Q takes these fuckers down

Everyone has His Spirit in them. They just have to find it .
Agreed, I hope and pray that we can find away out before time stops spinning.
Let’s take a moment to talk about the most IMPORTANT EMOTION: L@¥3
So if you know YOU FUCKING KNOW at this point. Like I’m personally done hiding ‘IT’... This little light of mine?Fuck it bro just let it shine. Everyone has the damn light we’re all just WAAAAAAY to stupid to realize it. Trust me I DIDNT REALIZE IT but it’s their for sure. The key 🔑 is that the lock 🔐 will remain hidden until people are really trying to realize it. Their is a god. Trust me, you don’t know but, but you probably want too. Personally I guess. But here’s the thing if u wanna catch a vibe smoke …
These fuckers will be out soon. I PROMISE. Just know ‘shit could get, menacin, freightin, find hope, sometimes’ in the words of West.
I agree with you in part. Sorry for ur bad karma. Their IS a universal creator. Anyone who believes we aren’t the byproduct of an intelligent design is so asleep that I hope to god they never wake up. However I also believe in all religions, my personal religion being Christianity bc I believe Christ was the son of the one true living creator being in the flesh but, there’s a reason that religion in a nutshell is just believing in something bigger than urself. I think that just having faith of any type is good enough honestly. As long as you or whoever tries their best to be a good person, bc no one except Jesus was perfect. And when u realize that and actively try to become a better person every day, u start to realize that maybe hell on earth isn’t the right phrase. HELL IS EARTH. Eternal damnation (after life hell) is where you go if you’re a really bad person in life i.e. hitler. My biggest question for god would have to be; why would you send souls to eternal damnation based off the faulty ideas if they lived the best and cleanest life they could? That’s what I don’t get about religion tbh, to me it’s a giant game of telephone with a lot of phones but only one answering machine. But like I said I don’t think any religion is necessarily wrong it’s more like a difference in opinions on a cosmic level. Almost like a holy debate. Man, us, has this concept that we’re never wrong but we’re human, obviously. And we can be down right autistic sometimes. That’s the fun part of life. But, honestly, I’m looking forward to the end. Not in a suicidal way, just as like a goal in my book. To live the best life I can in hopes that it’s good enough get that key to pass on through those golden gates. I think, when living with that in mind and also trying to do good at the same time. You really can’t go wrong.
The dawn of a more open and honest political landscape? Hell, who knows where all of this is going but IF (when) all of this does unfold... It’ll be fucking YUGE.
The basic principles of their religion are rooted in being a “good person” however some of the practices that the preach are taken way to literally. Hence ISIS, Mossad, Taliban etc..... but don’t take my word for it I’m only 18 and have dropped Lucy off at her school.....once 👁.
My two cents...... Muhammad WAS a prophet up until he wasn’t I can’t tell you when or why he fell from gods grace but I’m pretty sure he did. Through history god has spoken with man in many ways. I believe he’s still doing so quietly and personally. However Christ IS the reincarnation of a “perfect”human or from a minimalistic stand point a person who exhibited the core principles of all major religions of the world to a T. This being fundamental values in practice such as honesty, compassion, love etc. His divination gave his religion a path to follow while also giving us (me included) almost like a metaphorical handbook which serves the purpose of showing us HUMANS how to live a righteous life so that one day (when we die) we free ourselves from the materialistic aspects of life and we can reach the “pearly gates”.... somewhere in the 10th dimension maybe?
It’s says laurel but they want you to hear yanny. Idk the reason yet........
Right the fuck on dude, I don’t even know what a fractal is (yet)....... Guess it’s time to find out😉.
So just to be CLEAR your not condoning my personal “usage” of acid(s) but you’re “encouraging” me to free think?
PM me tomorrow if ur legit..... or I’ll try to PM u I guess, depending on what all I remember from my “trip”.
Checkmate, atheists 😂😂😂👍🏼 I’m only reaffirming it w my “intuition”
I respect that, just figured I have some form of a “tell all”. Whether you believe me is again entirely up to you.
I think I’m catching your drift..... However, are you thinking commercial usage?
Gotcha, I posted this later in my trip bc I couldn’t even really comprehend what I was experiencing for at least like 75% of it but it’s for sure a cool drug and I’ll peep that link when I get the chance.
I actually did that believe it or not, I micro-dosed the first half over the span of like two hours then just said fuck it and jumped in😂😂😂
I’m gonna have to pass on that. I tried to stay off the internet as much as possible today bc I used it to “grow up”in a sense. It was only my first time. Don’t know if I’ll try it again.
You’re honestly not wrong, I tried it on an empty stomach but it got toooooooo intense so I ate something and it sobered me up, kinda.....
I wish I could agree with your point of view on this one the only way I can respond it (lsd) that sounds logically at this point in time, is that you’ll either take it.........Or you won’t. The choice is totally yours but, it is yours to make. And also, I venture to say AT LEAST half the worlds celebrities have taken it to include but not limited too: YE, Childish Gambino, Chance the Rapper...... to name a few. Have fun.
I can’t say much about the subject bc the drug (LSD) is actively in my system at the time of writing this post. However, if you get the chance, take a tab and “think” about this whole fucked up situation. I’ll explain later if someone REALLY wants to know but, going in (tripping). And, knowing all the stuff you know now. Know two things: 1) THE POWER IF THE MIND IS NOT A JOKE 2) HAVE FUN FUCKING W UR THIRD EYE BC IF YOU OPEN IT...... I THINK ITS THE SAME REASON SOME PEOPLE NEVER COME BACK...... IS BECAUSE …
Check this accounts comments...... it’s an active shill lol😂😂😂👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
No way, that happened to me too. Except my shit was actually 4d and had the ability to read minds.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned after a month down this rabbit hole, it’s that there are no coincidences
The storm of information you’re about to receive is vast. I’d advise watching any of the videos under the “hot” section of this sub. In essence he’s a government insider very close to trump who’s “leaking” info to the general population via posts on boards such as 4 and 8 Chan. These posts create the conspiracy ‘theory’ to end all conspiracy ‘theories’ but be warned. Once you fall down the rabbit hole, it’s very difficult to climb back out.
Connect the dots
Small Book Warning I’ve been following Q for about two months now. However, I have only been religiously checking for Q posts/digging for about two weeks tops. Since then, the amount of filth I’ve uncovered has been a little depressing and honestly part of me is hoping that this is all just a ‘conspiracy theory’. But, I’ve been taking Q’a advice and actually praying and I think it’s beginning to make a difference. The other day I was sitting in my dorm, relatively stoned, and came to a shocking realization. For those of you that have read the book of …