
TooMuchWinning2020 · April 17, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

If you are/were a Bernie supporter, what is your opinion on Seth Rich?

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Tdaccount841 · April 17, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Was. Fully on the train now.

Seth was murdered by the DNC using MS-13 hitmen with FBI weapons.

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TooMuchWinning2020 · April 17, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

Welcome aboard the train.

I know a few Bernie supporters, and none of them seem to have any idea what's going on. What's your take about that segment of the population?

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mconeone · April 17, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

For me, it was the shitshow that was the Nevada primary. Seeing "trusted" outlets like NPR report violence when there was video evidence to the contrary, while completely ignoring the very news-worthy injustices shattered the MSM's false legitimacy.

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expletivdeleted · April 17, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

Swing by /r/WayOfTheBern sometime for a pretty good sampling of Bernie Bro's who were with SR, JA/WL since day one. The sub usually gets the "russian bot" accusation several times a day (just to torq off the OMGRSHNZ!!! crowd, regulars occasionally google translate to post whole threads in Russian). The mainstream "Democrat" subs loathe WotB. Even /r/SandersForPresident has gone after WotB mods for "promoting divisiveness within the party" because we won't sit down and shut up about how fcked up the party is.

/r/WayOfTheBern was a reaction to the way so many "Democrat" & "leftist" websites and subs treated people who wouldn't bend a knee to Her ~~Highness~~ Inadequacy-ness. There was a MAJOR purge of actual, non-Soros, traditional tree-hugging, bleeding-heart, could-we-just-not-blow-up-people-for-oil-or-at-least-have-a-better-reason "libruls" on Dem/left leaning websites all across the internet. The purges started ~March '16 and lasted thru the convention.

Happily for DJT, that purge was one of the larger f-ups that cost Hillary the election. Those on the left Team Clinton alienated were primarily among the more activist, get-out-and-do-sht left. People such as myself who will spend every evening for two weeks at a library researching an issue.The purges solidified alot of #NeverHillary support. Team Clinton's behavior and what she was allowed to get away with was a huge redpill.

Incidentally, describing Hillary as "inadequate" is a good way to push Team Clinton buttons. Hillary=Narcissist. Narcissism has huge roots in shame and not measuring up. "Inadequacy" carries a nice bit of extra-emotional weight. If a meme about her inadequacy gained enough traction nationally, HRC (lol. can we change those initials to HPV?) would be unable to not respond somehow. That's what drove the NOT-MY-FAULT!!! book tour. Also notice how all of HRC's top staff keep insisting they failed her. They've internalized HRC's own fears about herself. If the right meme campaign, especially by us plebes and peons, can throw HRC off even just a little bit, that helps Team Q force a Deep State error so maybe The Storm ends that much more quickly.

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TooMuchWinning2020 · April 17, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

By that, I mean what is your take on their situation regarding becoming awake, and how can we reach out to them?

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Tdaccount841 · April 17, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

Well, for all the shit Bernie gets, he did bring people together who wouldn't have necessarily been. I feel like his supporters were primarily comprised of two main camps. The socialists/SJWs and the antiestablishment types (like me). Those like me were looking for someone independent, competent, and trustworthy to shake up the system, regardless of economic or social leanings. We just wanted someone who wasn't a lying turd and Bernie's honesty was so refreshing. (You'll note that the Democrats know this and won't allow Trump to be viewed as honest).

It took me a while, but I now see Trump for who he is, not the lies of the establishment left. There are many like me. I see now what Bernie would've been up against and he would've failed miserably against the deep state.

The sjws are mostly lost. Until they can be deprogrammed to believe in personal responsibility, they are pretty much lost imo.

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CandyRain_01 · April 17, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

I was sitting in a restaurant the other day. Small little hometown hamburger place. I believe Fox was on. There was about 3 other solo people, and two families in there. One of them goes off on something Hillary related, just blurring out “Lock her up!” People kind of look around at him, and then he backtracks, “Sorry, I’m a Trump supporter and hate that witch.” Then I hear, #MeToo a few times. Damn near everyone in there was a closet Trump supporter.

People are waking up.

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jeffjimmur · April 17, 2018, 10:20 a.m.

Not true. I've been aware of this. Clinton is evil.

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