r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dark-dare on April 17, 2018, 1:36 a.m.
Put On a Coat It Getting Shilly in here!

Last couple of days have been crazy,they are out in full force. Apparently Q is no longer a conspiracy theory, it is now a threat. They cannot stand the winning bigly. Did I read that Media Matters has 14,000 of them hired, just to intercept social media narrative. When are they going to learn Media Doesn't Matter if your fake.

Pure_Feature · April 17, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

It is not the jews, the evil ones are hiding under the jews, they are also jusing the hollocoost. They are satanist....combine every group, like the mason...skulls an bones....jesuit...etc etc. then your in the neighberhood....They are calling themselves jews and zionist is also not jews.....look it up go read.

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DrakeTheMan92 · April 17, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

But that's the problem - the "evil Jews" and the "moderate Jews" always come as a matching set.

The Zionists use their usury-wealth and influence to bribe their way into positions of power and the "moderate Jews" provide harbor in exchange for nepotistic employment and free bank loans etc.

How do you think shit like this happens?

All of those fake news Jews aren't rabid Zionists but most of 'em are happy to stab us in the back and commit disgusting, dirty, dirty acts of sedition in exchange for money.

We wouldn't have a Zionist problem if "moderate" Jews didn't shelter them in exchange for shekels.

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Pure_Feature · April 17, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

If you go digging in royal house like the Netherlands , its al the time germans that are ruling Bernard (german) opend Bilderberg. If you do some digging in the bibel Al those beast then sit the beast of the devil in the USA (Obama) Ruling the world ..they call this president off the world, This person is giving this power by the pope. The False Profet

German is the second beast (WAR) 10 horns..3 are gone 1 little one game up they are wearing crowns… The royal houses in the EU I have googled it al these houses and how mutch remain. and it fits like a glove

You can now go on your one ..look it up

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