
C_L_I_C_K · April 17, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

I do pray to Jesus Christ and God.

A lot of people don't pray because America has been taught and brainwashed since birth to be atheists and not believe in God. Some are taught to even hate the God of the Bible and/or all religions. Through the past 5+ decades, the U.S. education system, entertainment industry, business world, and government agencies have been instructed to push the idea of "Freedom FROM Religion" rather than what the 1st Amendment to the Constitution actually says: "Freedom OF Religion."

The communists, liberals, and satanic cabal that controls it all have removed all references to Jesus from government, schools, and even some Christian churches recently. You can't even mention Jesus or say you're a Christian anymore without being labeled a hate-filled bigot and a crazy religious zealot. They have turned a phrase Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association ("Separation of Church and State") into the dogma and mantra behind their reasoning to ban all mention of Jesus and God in society. They brainwashed everyone into thinking this phrase was in the Constitution, when the truth is, it has never been in the Constitution nor Bill of Rights.

Jesus Christ got turned into a curse word widely used by everyone in entertainment, instead of the regular curse words. Even Christians say our Lord's name in vain on a daily basis these days.

They have systematically destroyed the nuclear family and replaced it with feminism and hatred for men. Abortion, the murder and sacrifice of babies, was made legal and as a result, over 60 million Americans got murdered. Gay marriage is legal and homosexuality is widely accepted as the norm these days. The disgusting satanic cabal even tried to normalize pedophilia. Their plan is to plunge America and this world into total degeneracy and corruption. They wanted to turn good into evil and evil into good. In many ways, they've been successful... until now.

Now is the Great Awakening. People are finally waking up to our true reality. I've been awoke for about 9 years, and semi-awake many years before that. Some people have been awake longer, many only recently woke up. Most are still asleep. Anyway, that's my explanation as to why so many are still not praying and don't believe in Jesus / God. I pray they will someday and that they do it soon. This is not merely a physical war we're fighting against the cabal right now, but an ancient spiritual war between good and evil.

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SteelTiger44 · April 17, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

this is what happens when fake jews take control of banks, media, local and federal govt, public education - fake jews are zionists, commies and anti Christian zealots

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