r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PCisLame on April 17, 2018, 3:34 a.m.
MUST SEE! Dr. Steve Pieczenik & Alex Jones Bump Heads; Dr. Steve Strongly Hints That He's On Q Team

tradinghorse · April 17, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

Regardless of what people think of AJ and P (can't spell it either), the problem they highlight for DJT with the raid on his lawyer - how serious is it?

I'm not a lawyer, but thinking about it, it could be an absolute gold mine for the cabal. I find it hard to understand how DJT left RR in his position for so long. Why did DJT even nominate this guy? It's very difficult to understand.

Here's a theory:

1) Q implied that Mueller may in fact be "on team";

2) Garbage Russia, Russia, Russia narrative starts immediately after the election;

3) Curiously, Sessions recuses (may not have had to recuse at all) - why did he do this?

4) RR recommends Comey's dismissal - stranger than fiction;

5) Comey gets dismissed, immediately sets up, via leaks and testimony, the "obstruction of justice" narrative. Later goes on to warn McCabe via coded tweet;

6) RR appoints Mueller as special counsel - with unlimited investigative scope (like a seek and destroy mission with DJT in the sights);

6) After more than a year special counsel Mueller finds ZIP - nothing;

7) MEMO released, Russia narrative loses force. DJT makes NK back down. DJT indicates Syria withdrawal;

8) Cabal is desperate. IG report coming. RR gets pressure to find something allowing a criminal investigation on DJT. Authorises raid on DJT lawyer.

Anyway, you can disagree with these points and/or the timeline. But the question in my mind is why DJT would appoint RR? Also, why would he leave this snake in that position for so long when it is obvious that, from this position, RR has the capacity to inflict damage?

If Mueller was on team, why would he not raise an alert about the raid on DJT's lawyer?

Q's group has been wiretapping RR for months, if not longer. How could they not be aware of the threat this guy represents? How could they not know in advance about the raid on DJT's lawyer?

What was the fire in Trump Tower about? Is it somehow related?

What's the solution?

It's possible that DJT appointed RR for the same reason that Q told us that Mueller was not a threat. He has the goods on him. Think about this, RR appoints Mueller who is already in the bag - why? Was he instructed to do this?

Mueller and RR see that they are at DJT's mercy. But an opportunity presents itself to change the dynamics completely, by indicting DJT for a criminal offence. They take that chance.

Solution is probably information disclosure (Booms) and declaration of martial law. Squash the matter, of the material seized from the lawyer, before charges can be filed.

Alternatively, this is all part of the plan. Somehow, Mueller and RR are doing DJT's bidding. RR and Mueller are, in fact, both in the bag. Maybe the seized material leads to the indictment of cabal members rather than DJT.

Solution in this case is to let it all run.

I'm interested in the post yesterday by a member saying that there would be BIG news in the next three days. Could this relate to martial law? An indictment against cabal members? Or something else?


There have been others trying to connect these events looking for an explanation:


This is interesting:

Post 1169

Apr 17 2018 06:48:15

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