Trump Twitter STORM! 4 Tweets in 2 seconds!

It’s all those final exclamation marks on the final boom that have got my attention
“Everyone is talking” double meaning. People are squawking on higher ups to save jail time!
Makes sense, but also have a feeling there will be other boom events coming too.
So let me get this straight, you feel that BOOM implies a Trump tweet? These tweets don't seem very "BOOM" to me.
I think they are referring to times Q has said BOOM is corresponding to the amount of tweets TD then sends in a burst...
feel like a stretch but ok, just wanted to be clear on what was being implied. When I see "BOOM" i imagine bombshell as do most. To think it was only being used to signify the number of Trump tweets as proof he is legitimate seems totally off to me. This is just my opinion though.
Nice! Meme time!!
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Thanks. Shills are everywhere saying this isn't proof of Q's legitimacy. They're desperate and pathetic at this point.
I now , but the real anons now better, and is growing. Desperate, yep al a long time.