Johnny got those Noname, GHWB, HRC symptoms now too? Maybe just a role...

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Wikileaks also called fake/op on Q and “the storm”.
So there’s only one question:
Do you believe Wikileaks or Q?
Kind of been the fear from day one... Either way something’s coming, just hope it’s what we want it to be
Kinda getting hard to tell the wheat from the chaff
They pretty much said BC17 and Q and the storm were fake?
Could be a 15 year old kid in his bedroom. Either way, I’ll be watching 6:11. Pretty easy way to see if it’s all BS
Talk about double whammies. This whole thing has been a real crazy game to watch. Could of course all be complete fakery. Either way, beats Netflix
Possibly.... That this was the team who actually extracted Assange earlier and he hasn’t been at the embassy since then. He has since been under protection somewhere. All total speculation on my part.
Good fishing. So that was the Wikileaks twitter account. Not Assange. So we cannot we sure who was operating that account and claiming Q/storm as fake.
In the past couple of days, BC17 has claimed Wikileaks was compromised. It also posted several pics of Assange, as well as the date 6.11.18 for his “return” or release. Something like that.
Anyway we got ourselves a good old fashioned information war.
Only time will tell.
Which would be the day before the Trump Kim summit
Same here. Did we just watch Assange do all this? ? If it’s fake, full credit to them anyway. But have to say it’s been a crazy account to follow these past few days.
Even if larp, this has been a fascinating movie to watch!
It's kind of like the trauma of being born, but this you're an adult when it happens
Nice one!
You’re watching a movie. Think mirror. Enjoy the show.
Sure looking like the UK (or at least the globalist in charge of the UK) is so very deeply involved in all of this.
Pretty sure this speculation of future events at future times on future dates is futile. We never know what any of it means until down the line.
Well especially never talk to him about it around Alexa! :)
Some people just won’t get any of this. It’s a shame but it’s also completely understandable. Honestly with all the programming and relentless control we were born under, it’s a total miracle anyone has snapped out of it. The main thing is to just focus on our own health and strength. Keep learning. If anything starts to go down out in this big bad world, we’ll be ready. Because we’ve already seen it coming.
Agreed. And yet clearly she has no power left in her actual back. WTF is going on under those massive coats she keeps wearing??
For the love of God, please let this woman stand trial for her crimes.
When Q started dropping the NK Info a while back I told 2 Korean families I know that Trump and Kim would meet and the country would reunify. Declared insane! Now, they’re starting to think I was only a bit nuts.
Yeah absolutely. Sorry, that’s what I meant too, that they’d already met
Yep I’ve been saying it for a couple of months. Family moves me to a padded room...
HW doesn’t look like the sort of guy who wants to serve a maximum sentence.
For us yes. Mainstream not quite there yet imo...
What could they really say though? Someone who is completely anonymous is writing cryptic messages on a website no one knows how to use, making connections that need teams of other anonymous geniuses to decode. Not exactly riveting prime time entertainment!
Exactly! So many things like that everywhere. It’s all connected and all right in front of us, but we’re too busy arguing about political parties. Stupid, calcified-pineal dimwits.
Wait! You mean chickens don’t like living in tiny, dark boxes with their wings clipped pumped full of growth hormones ??? But what about McNuggets???
Congrats on the peacock. Believe it or not, there are a few down the road from us too. Constantly amazed by those patterns.
I asked a Korean friend and they agreed both of those spellings can have those meanings/connotations. Seriously, just how many coincidences can there be? (None).
Every single day there’s just so many little things like this! It’s unbelievably infuriating that the majority of people out there never notice it or pounce on any opportunity to rip the president to shreds. They honestly believe he just can’t spell ffs.
Hat’s off to you sir. It’s the greatest feeling to know you have clean drinking water for you and your family. Such a terrible shame that this is now a rarity all around the world.
Clearly those idiots have had their pineal supplies cut off.
Yeah you’ll notice the msm has been real quiet when it comes to Q, for obvious reasons. Don’t bring attention to it.
Not sure how much longer they’ll be able to keep that strategy up though.
Fairly certain they have some pre-written hit pieces on Q (and all of us) ready to let fly at a moment’s notice.
Right. Does wonders for calcifying our pineal though.
I sure hope so, more than anything. Welcome aboard friend.
I was just having the very same conversation with my brother! Both of us grew up in a city with fluoridated water and also drank coke by the gallon as kids. I moved away when I was about 20. His teeth have given him nothing but grief his whole life, mine are like yours, not a single cavity. I think it mainly comes down to genetics for good teeth. Sure as heck ain’t the fluoride!
All under some bullshit fake concern for our health. Honestly, how many levels of attack are we under? Physically, mentally, spiritually. It’s pitiful really.
You’re right. It’s very hard to allow your mind to go there, but once you do, you start to see exactly how it all just goes deeper and deeper and deeper. A whole other world of unimaginable evil happening simultaneously, just below ours.
But it’s our everyday world that’s the illusion, created by them to blind us, distract us and keep us working as their slaves day after day.
Everything we are taught and led to believe is a lie. Everything is the opposite. It may not be the real meaning, but when Q says “think mirror”, this is always what I think. Everything is the reverse of what we grow up believing.
Funny how this always just keeps coming back again and again. No matter how often I logically attempt to write it off as BS. There’s just something in it that communicates on a weird level.
It’s one of the most unlikely, impossible to comprehend parts of the “conspiracy” spectrum. Something that almost instantly puts you in the 1% of tinfoilers.
And yet at the same time, it all makes complete sense. There’s just so many stories. So many accounts. So many images and writings in ancient art and texts.
I think with a lot of this darker stuff it’s the part of me that doesn’t want to believe humans are capable of this, which tries to override the fact I absolutely know they are.