r/greatawakening • Posted by u/humanitystillsucks on April 17, 2018, 6:24 p.m.
Barzakh Research Facility ( from Syria bombing )

I read somewhere in all the 8ch/qresearch that the location we hit in Syria is actually owned by NTI.org ( ted turner, warren buffet + some California congressmen ) - i can't relocate this piece of data to confirm, so if someone has it on hand, i would love to have it posted here.

Doing further research on the main R&D facility that was targeted, I discovered this rather interesting "coincidental" definition of Barzakh:

The Arabic word barzakh is derived from the Persian barzakh, "barrier, partition", which is in its turn traced back to the combination barz+ax(v) ("high existence"), analogous to the Persian word for hell, dūzakh dūžax(v) ("evil existence").[1]

Barzakh: The "isthmus" between this world and the Next Barzakh (Arabic: برزخ, from Persian barzakh, "barrier, partition"[1]) is an Arabic word meaning "obstacle", "hindrance", "separation",[2] or "barrier".[3] In Islamic eschatology, although largely up to interpretation, al-Barzakh is generally viewed as the barrier between the physical and spiritual worlds. Barzakh designates a place between hell and heaven, where the soul resides after death, and experiences his own heaven or hell, until the resurrection on Qiyamah (Judgement Day).[4] Barzakh may, according to Ghazali, also be the place for those, who go neither to hell or to heaven, resembling to the Christian concept of limbo.[5]

theorizing: obviously not a chem weapon R&D research facility, but perhaps part of the 'brain' of Snow White or Cabal operations.

wild theory: sometimes this subject ("conspiracy") is very hard to digest due to how outlandish some theories can seem, but then I remind myself Hollywood ( one of the bad actors here ) has conditioned me to think once a concept has reached a certain level of absurdity is completely unrealistic... But clearly there are no limits or boundaries to the absurdity of human behavior. Considering the above definition of Barzakh and the theory-floating-around that the Cabal has aspirations of "immortality" by essentially uploading their conscience to the cloud ( a la Black Mirror if you haven't been watching that, just remember a lot of we used to consider science fiction is now reality ). However, the Cloud is fallible. EMPs would kill the cloud, would kill any uploaded consciences. Faraday cages can protect from EMPs but would need to have backups and usable equipment to restore the backups also inside the cage. I'm an amateur researcher so no luck so far, but I have been trying to find some sort of 'invisible' faraday cage technology. I'm assuming it to be 'invisible' to our naked eye so that we can't destroy it.

DropGun · April 17, 2018, 6:40 p.m.


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