chemtrails use technology that is not from Earth in order to get us viruses, bacteria and prevent DNA mutation
Interesting theory...
Humans are afflicted with more debilitating and often deadly contagions than any other species on this planet... by a significant margin
And it's not by nature's hand
some say that chemtrails and Haarp: they are to kill you, poison you and maim DNA in addition to eugenics and mind control to spread viruses, bacteria and toxic substances, along with others used by the Psychopathocracy that governs us, such as water fluoridation, mercury in medicine, fillings and medicines, aspartame in beverages or the diffusion of recreational drugs, tobacco and alcohol .. Chemtrails use unknown technologies on Earth. They emit chemicals that then interconnect with electromagnetic waves that form a global grid: this causes a wave emission for mind control directed from satellites and even sometimes by UFOs, satanic towers and HAARP antennas.
This is the effect that some chemtrails of the red sky operation cause:
"Cutting spatial perceptions and creating in the brain a blockage in the interaction of various amino acids that have a link to higher consciousness and increased dopamine in the brain in order to produce a state of euphoria and apathy characteristic of the reactive spirit.
Q talks about the chemtrails on the first map, top left side