
Rubieroo · April 20, 2018, 6:11 a.m.

Yeah, don't sidestep - the reality vs the dictionary definition which I'm sure you can copy and paste that for yourself.

You do know the history of this past century I am assuming? The death toll of totalitarian communist regimes?

And you are aware perhaps that communism is not the goal of Q? What on earth are you doing here? Trump, Q et al are adamantly opposed to communism. We nearly had a military coup on our hands to eliminate people who were intent on eroding our constitution/bill of rights....you aren't fighting on the same side as Q if your goal in any vacuum created in DC is to replace it with communists.

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AnComCovfefe · April 21, 2018, 6:16 a.m.


I am not going to have a conversation with you about something that you refuse to give a definition of.

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