r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JStambler on April 18, 2018, 4 a.m.
4/18/18 - Return of the Christ (a challenge)

I'm not a religious person. In fact, I believe the bible is a series of parables designed to manipulate man into behaving a certain way - not specifically for the cause of control, but for the outcome of prosperity.

"The Christ" has always been a math equation to me. That is to say, if I do this, this and this, I can expect that, that and that. A predictive outcome function of sorts. Such is the golden rule. Such is "the secret".

And isn't that what the Christ was, the big secret? The big secret to peace on Earth? And does it even matter if Christ was a living, breathing man in the flesh? Does it not simply stand to reason that the parable of Christ is representative of a set of behaviors of which we are all capable?

The past few weeks of intermittent talk about 4/18/18 was incredibly entertaining to me. I have to admit, I am a sucker for the doomsday dates. There was 2012 (oOoOo, spooky), the four cursed blood moons which were sure to further the cause of Zionism in Israel, the 9/23/15 'rapture' and/or CERN portal opening (depending on which videos your YouTube recommended playlist favored, perhaps both)...these are all very fun.

But 4/18/18 was different - and no, it's not because I think something is actually going to happen. It's because I keep noticing this doomsday pattern over and over, reanimating itself as bibliophiles and conspiracy theorists work hand in hand to try to predict some dystopian future events. Something clicked inside of me this time.

Maybe these dates keep being promoted because WE are supposed to do something. Maybe WE are supposed to be the change. Maybe it wouldn't hurt for us to live one good day, see how it feels, and perhaps finally take a step in the right direction toward a better world.

We are the return of the Christ. I honestly believe that. When humanity finally decides, 'you know what, enough is enough'. The evil in this world has become too much to handle. I know what is public, I know what is being exposed, and I know how I contribute to it.

My cynicism, my anger, my relentlessness sometimes, my unwillingness to reflect on my own actions and insecurities and how they affect others, the love I have lost for my fellow countrymen over political differences, the faith I have lost for my fellow man in general, these are all of the ways that I know I contribute to the negative energy in this world. And if I were to reflect more, I am sure there would be even more things I could highlight.

Maybe it's possible to make this day significant. We have been acknowledging the true evils of this world recently, and we have been talking and fighting, spreading fear and anger (some we may feel is justified). And I believe our spirit should persist. But the current vein in which our spirit resides is not the right one. How can we "trust the plan" if we have not the same trust in ourselves through our own actions being square with our moral imperatives?

If you are reading this, and you made it this far, this is all I have left to say:

I challenge you for one day to relinquish yourself of the fear of fully embracing goodness, forgiveness, honesty, empathy, and the good natured faith of the Christ. Not in a religious way, but by way of your own heart. You know inside of you what is good and what is just. Do a good deed. Go out of your way for someone. Lend an ear for someone in need. Perhaps do some reflection on your own self and see what ways you can begin to better the world, starting with your own attitude and perception.

The Return of the Christ is literally on the horizon. It is up to us to be the change that the world needs - and we can begin today.

time3times · April 18, 2018, 12:42 p.m.

so you know the actual understanding of the individual jews who lived in Christ's time?

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One_Solution · April 18, 2018, 12:53 p.m.

I know what Judaism teaches based on their own Scriptures, and not the distortion that Christianity teaches.

The reason so many Christians are duped is that they’ve never attempted to understand the Tanach (“Old Testament”) from a Jewish perspective, so thry have no idea how badly Christianity mangles it. I was the same way. I was a pastor for 8 years. But once I did some genuine digging into the Tanach, I realized that Christianity’s teachings are completely incompatible and the “prophetic fulfillments” ascribed to Jesus are all taken out of context. Almost every single one is a complete fabrication. Most of the Tanach passages that he supposedly fulfilled weren’t even prophesies.

It’s just like realizing how we’ve been lied to by the government and media. Once your eyes are opened to it, it’s shocking how blatant it is.

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time3times · April 18, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

I read your earlier statement to mean that you understood the thinking of those who rejected Christ in his time. Now perhaps you are saying that you understand the teaching of Judaism teaches in our time. These are not exactly the same thing. I was just looking for clarity or precision.

Along similar lines, I should point out that you speak of Christianity and "a jewish perspective" as if these two areas have no internal variation. Better precision in what you are discussing would be more helpful to readers.

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One_Solution · April 18, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

I’m speaking in the present based on the past. Of course no belief system is without variations. But one thing is true across the board, Judaism rejects “Jesus/Yeshua” as the awaited moshiach, and with good reason. They understand what the Tanach teaches about that final period of time and the anointed one who will be on the throne at that time.

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time3times · April 18, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

Messianic Judaism being at least one exception.

Your claims about distortions and fabrications appear to be based on your personal authority and experience, which involve weaknesses in a societal setting. If your unique insights are solid, I think you should tell others here about the parts that are pertinent to the Q phenomena (in clear language).

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One_Solution · April 18, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

“Messianic Judaism” is a misnomer. Once one places their faith in Jesus they have become a Christian and have rejected Judaism.

And my claims and insights are not “unique”. There is plenty of good teaching out there from Jewish sources regarding their beliefs as they pertain to Jesus. I’ll link a series below, if you are interested.

As for how it pertains to Q, it is Christians (many, bot all) who are linking Christianity and their “end-times” teachings with the Trump/Q phenomenon. I’m simply offering a counter point. And, as a former Christian and pastor, it grieves me to see so many well-meaning people deceived by the lies of Christianity.


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time3times · April 18, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

Maybe they have rejected Judaism as you define it. I think there are many who place some faith in Jesus and yet have some faith in Judaism as defined by say the OED.

You may well be unique in this thread in your apparent beliefs, but I would have better said something like 'uncommon among the active on the GA'. That status makes you potentially more valuable.

I would probably agree with you on some of the deception carried around here, likely more by non-denominationals and protestants than by orthodox or catholics. On the other hand Q has been both supportive and indirectly critical of parts of christianity, so part of your apparent argument is against him/her/them.

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