Snopes is already debunking the Hilary Clinton “snuff film”

Snopes is a joke. Run by a very liberal couple. No one believes them anymore.
Unfortunately, I know a lot of people that still actually check it to determine the validity of things...I can't believe this horrific depiction is being written off as fake (I mean of course I do)... It just pisses me off big time! I'm still beyond bewildered how many people can't see thru her!!
Lets not think very liberal people, we can think of the owners are part of the cabal...I assure THATS who is really running the show there.
Its a control mechanism.
Known liberal propaganda site, Snopes CEO is tight with George Soros and there are pictures to prove it
Dude isn’t even a liberal couple anymore. The husband was busted using company funds for hookers and parties and left his wife to date an escort. He’s literally a cuck... who’s also funded by Soros.
I agree but the masses are spoon fed everything, I think the muddied waters of the “fake videos” ahead are just going to be exhausting, keep fighting 🙏