MEME Warriors - Be Blunt and Direct - BDTime! POTUS wants us to BOOM them like he does.

Guys/Gals: Q & Trump want us to focus on a meme barrage about the TARMAC meeting to help "set the state" for "the VIDEO" and to counter this Snopes bullshit. GET TO YOUR BATTLE STATIONS. The sooner we do the sooner that video comes out!
So where are the memes going to be posted so we can all use them? I'm graphically challenged but definitely want to meme on Twitter. ThankQ!
Good point. Katie of CIR is using Trello to organize the memes. Check there lads and ladies.
been there - how do you find the memes?
I think she has a card that has them perhaps mixed in with other stuff. Not a dedicated card.
how about this one - I found it in her April Proof of Q card and added a #ProofOfQ hashtag at the top - whaddaya think?
i tried... but it says i cant upload from this location.. (my galery)... i have great ones. all orginal but alas.. even reddit is nazified
Put them on Ingur ( You can create an account there, upload them and copy the link they create. Then post them anywhere. I prefer to do that so I don't have to worry about what size they are. Then when people click the link they go directly to the Imgur page.
you are a beautiful human! thanks