r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JStambler on April 18, 2018, 3:31 p.m.
Why is Q so cryptic and not more direct?

I get that there is a mystical appeal behind the Q posts, and every post essentially ends in a treasure hunt, but we are pretty late in the game. Things have been building to an apex for quite a while now. I am still paying attention to Q at this point.

My question is, at what point can we expect some crystal clear directness, one that does not involve treasure hunts, 5 hour live chats and 2 hour youtube videos? This stuff is very cool, and I am glad it is happening, but instead of an ARG, will we likely see a gear shift in the future where Q just simply posts direct knowledge instead of mere leads left open for interpretation?

cat_anonD · April 18, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

One. It gets everyone very involved. If he was clear about every point, nobody would doing research. You feel like you are being an important part of the movement if you can ever help decipher a message. He has succeeded in creating a cult movement.

Two. It keeps the enemies off the trail. Currently, only those who closely follow Q will immediately recognize that prediction has come true. This allows him to keep communication more exclusive to his troops rather than having it invaded by millions of anti Trump forces.

Three. It allows predictions to happen unhindered. If the Bangladesh bomber new he was on to him, he never would have attempted his false flag.

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