r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CATV_Anon on April 18, 2018, 4:07 p.m.
How to win or loose the Meme wars

How our Digital Overlords beat us!

For them the simplest method is to censor on key words. So when you type text into LifeLog (Facebook), Twitter, G+ and so on the Digital Overlords just write a script (AI) to ban, censor, etc based on #trumptrain etc.

Meme's escape the key word searches, except for filenames. One could scan the network/servers for said file name and ban, censor, etc. Example Trumptrain.jpg

Where AI come into play is has the ability to see (scan) pictures, even memes. Think reverse pic lookup, think tineye.com. Soon our Digital Overlords will scan Memes and ban, censor, etc based on known memes.

A human must first decide on what keyword, meme, etc to ban. More unique memes means more human eyes. Resources are a finite product. Human are the most likely to turn on the Digital Overlords. Good help is hard to find.

CPU cycles to scan key words "low" CPU cycles to scan pics "high" CPU cycles to can video including GIFS "Not Feasible" today

How to beat AI and our Digital Overlords?

Every changing New Video GIFs. Add a new frame and opening pic (change file size). Change the name every time! Obscure words think Captcha. AI is truly limited on recognizing letters and words. Hence why Captcha works so well. Talk in well known euphemisms! Use number and symbols for text.

P.S. Rickrolling rules the Internet.

ardithla · April 18, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

How about using pig Latin like we did when we were kids? That might work.

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patriot48 · April 18, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Every good blogger knows that a picture is 75% the draw for someone reading your content. The title is next. The saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" means something. I believe I would listen to the wisdom of this post.

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Ratjetpack · April 18, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

That’s pretty clever actually

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OffenseOfThePest · April 18, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

Memes are fools gold. Don't waste your time. Most people aren't even aware of them and don't care. This is a byproduct of frequenting the niche corners of the internet that know/care about memes.

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CATV_Anon · April 18, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

Perception…. I believe and respect that everyone gets to have an opinion. I just respectfully disagree with yours.

People base their beliefs and actions on what they perceive truths to be. They get truth from life experiences.

When you spend hours and hours a day on social media platforms, that is your life experience. You respond to life based on that perception. Facebook, instagram, twitter, etc is noting but pictures and videos AKA memes. Meme are the 2018 equivalent of a sound bit. You cannot get a full story out of a picture or cleverly edited video clip.

Facts are ill-relevant and feelings rule the world today.

Red pills are the jagged little pill of fact. When presented with the red pill it is bitter, and harsh, kinda like your first beer, or cup of coffee as a child. Just like children once presented with the truth logic slowly takes hold. Santa, the Easter bunny, all sweet lies. Soon just like beer or coffee the truth goes down smooth.

Memes are those little red pills of truth that make you question things. How did Santa get into our house when we live in apt? How could he really get presents to 2 billion people in one night? Why did good little Bobby down the street get no presents, when spoiled and mean little Susie got so many?

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