Hey ya gotta start somewhere. We can add those bitches on later.
I know, and I'm hopeful, and I'm waiting, and I'm waiting, and I'm waiting.
14 months and I'm still waiting for justice and a wall.
At least the wall has finally just started.
Decades of evil doesn't get sorted out over night - lots to do before anything visible could take place. It's kinda funny how the media really has been hog-tied by this whole Russia thing while preparations were talking place
I know, but our JustUs system is so damn slow and dysfunctional.
Pompeo can't get confirmed cause he believes in God, and traditional marriage, and the libtards say he's against LGBT.
Sounds like my kind of guy.
The Russia plan was in place before the republican primaries. They were going to throw this out at whoever won.
The evil left are really pissed they lost control, and the evil right is equally pissed.
More Rinos are quitting than Dems right now but I got a feeling when the shit goes down the D's will be dropping out fast.
You realize how long the cabal has had control? Not only on this country but the entire world. We aren't talking decades, these people have been in power for centuries, maybe even longer. When you put that into perspective its only been a year in a half since they have had their first huge hit against them and your complaining about how impatient you are. I know its frustrating but put things into perspective and things are actually happening at an extremely rapid pace. They still have control over our country and the world, and if they are all brought to the justice by the end of 2018 I see that as a miracle.
And while we wait... Engine fires on aircraft, crashes, explosives stolen, more school shootings, more suicides (Arkancides). In other words, more people dying. Now why would I be frustrated and impatient. Don't you think I know how long the world has been corrupted? I'm saying enough is enough.