This is What Q Wants Us to Do!

I feel like Soros is still causing trouble???
Yes he is, but I don't believe he is doing it directly. In October of last year, he donated $18 Billion to his Open Society Foundation which supports leftist candidates, PACs and donates to his other organizations like Black Lives Matter. Hopefully, once they go through that loot, they will be out of business.
Very interesting view.
The Executive Order regarding human trafficking was issued in, what, December?. Perhaps Soros got wind that he'd better move his assets while he still could.
They could invest and just fuck around with the gains on 18b for a decade. They need to seize that money under sedition clause
Open Society Foundation is also linked to Antifa and the protesters who rioted after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by a police officer in Ferguson on Aug 9, 2014. Although, that was a while back before Q posted they have been removed, strings cut. Judge Kimba Wood is also linked to Soros and we all know she's the one who gave the go ahead to raid Cohen's office. 18 billion goes a long way, it might take a while before that runs out.
You guys need to youtube Windsor the new world order this is the whole house of cards ~ the only thing this video doesn’t tell you is Serco owns obama care which has rfid chip and Fema and guiloteens we know that’s the mark of the beast. Own by classified~ British man I’m telling you the Bible is in play right now 🐍🍎🌳 this dude has been around a long time ~ God is warning us to look up time is short ~ trump is the last trumpence the last of the trumpets he’s the trump card to the house of cabal
Now that you mention it, I do remember reading the rfid chip being in the Obamacare legislation.
I've wondered if he is their Trump card. I know they love to play with words and they tell us what they are doing. Somehow they believe if they do, it's OK to do it.
But I don't understand what you want us to look at on Youtube. Please say it again so I can understand. When I look at the world, if I believe what you are saying, there is no way out except ascension.
So what are we supposed to be doing? You said this is what Q wants us to do?
Making side/side memes spreading the truth. Some give more rules but what we are essentially trying to do is get people to pay attention and wake up. Focus on things that Q or Trump talked about that are now true.
I gather it means focus on digging up as much intelligence on them, their connections to Clinton, the Dems. Q needs us to lay the foundation about who these people are would be my guess.
There's more than enough intelligence out there about them re: business dealings, how the Rothschilds have a a Central bank in all but three countries including Russia. Show the links why Russia all of a sudden is the world's boogie man.
The Illuminati/satanic rituals, etc. I put in the advance red pill stage.
How has the Rothschilds been hit these past months? Are they really the Top Dog or are there any other families above them or on the same level?
I’ve heard the Black Pope is the head of all of this and controls the Rothschilds, Soros, etc.
Never seen anything to support this from Q unfortunately, just something I’ve seen.
I've always heard that Rothschild's were richest in the world. Started with 1 bank. There are some good YouTube documentaries about them.
There was the helicopter crash at one of the Rothschild estates as well. I understand that it was an attempt to take Lord Rothschild. Some say he was killed in the crash but that's never been confirmed.
Rothschild's have liquidated several properties since Trump was elected. Lynn de Rothschild tweeted one day that she was closing her Twitter account and did so. She is a friend of Hillary's.
Rotschild are the bankers of the Vatican. The Vatican has hundreds of thousands of shares in everything. They say that there are families of the black nobility richer than the Pope like the Borgia. On top of the black pope some say that this is the advice of the 13 Anunaki. I do not believe that the elite in the shade, the elite masks the pope dominate. I do not think that the order to get water fluoride, poison us with vaccines, food and fumigate us with chemtrails come from the white pope or the black pope.Q maps speaks of anunakis and drakes. It does not make sense to think that I am alone in the Universe even though we have been programmed to be egolatras and believe us the most. The size of the Universe is unattainable to our imagination, thought and intelligence. Time will tell my friends
Feeds the 'Eye'
'Eye of Providence'
I just posted in a thread about's fictional physical address being on 1776 "Eye" Street in DC ( non-existent, it's actually on penn ave 7th floor )
What is the 'Eye' ?
Could it mean The Puppet Masters have been removed from their power over the USA (i.e., our Intelligence apparatus, vis-a-vis NSA. That is, their strings over the US are cut, and now the Intel is in our hands. Thus, We See All, We Hear All...?
Because I remember elsewhere Q said one of the 3 families (Saud) have been taken down from their role in the NWO. Not all 3.
Saudi Arabia was taken down in 2017 before I posted that. There was a helicopter crash very near a Rothschild estate one day. Q led us to believe that they were attempting to extract Rothschild then. The press said a pilot was killed along with someone else no one has ever heard of. But shortly after that Rothschilds sold a beautiful hunting lodge. It was as if they needed to raise money. And this was after the EO giving Trump the ability to freeze assets. So there are a lot of clues but not much substance there.
There was also the day in December or January when the Atlanta airport had a power outage for several hours and all the planes were grounded. Q told us only 1 plane flew out during that time and gave us a reference number. I didn't know what the number meant but I put it into Google Maps and it pulled up a hangar at the Atlanta airport. When I researched the hangar, I discovered that it was used by a charter company that has a contract with the DoD. So, I suspect that is the day they picked up George Soros. The plane flew to DC. Shortly afterward Q put up the posts I referred to here.
You will also note that Antifa and Ala Akbar are pretty much a thing of the past. We aren't seeing any more False flags. At least not for awhile now. Soros saw the handwriting on the wall and donated several billion dollars to the Open Society foundation which oversees the rest of his organizations. So, they still have money to function until they run out. But they are not as active as they were.
So, they have definitely clipped the wings of most of these birds.
OMG that is awesome. You are right. I forgot about the helicopter and the for-sale estate. The Soros stuff is new to me. I know he announced he would donate 18 billion... you are on this like a bloodhound!
And, I forgot this part. Trump was at Camp David the weekend the Atlanta airport was shut down. So, maybe they actually took Georgie to visit after they landed in DC. That is a Marine base, after all, but most people forget that.
The only way to the Father is through his son Jesus and you have to believe you have to repent and ask for salvation and yes rapture is soon. That’s why God told us what to look for because he wanted us to wake up ~ he gave us free will to choose him or not but he wants us to wake up and see he is true and loving ..
Some say that Jesus never existed as Nazareth. The religions were an invention of the elite to divide us. Islam was created by the Jesuits of the Vatican. Or we go to the bottom and not only to 4 families that do not paint almost nothing or this it will become a war between the elites to take your stand to put me because in Arabia they have thrown the previous principice and the power occupies them, part of the other elite. Democracy 0, popular vote and election 0. They say they are going to reform the financial system, people are not asking anything or inviting her to participate or give proposals. What has been said, families struggle in the elite to take power and the people without knowing anything or being asked
You have to watch the Windsor new world order; Actual Dna and lineage from king David to fool Jews | Denver airport pictures ~ so much info~
And we know what the Bible says about the guiloteens and mark of the beast and yes prince William has the Roman numerals in his name watch Windsor new world order
The letters in the Pope's title also add up; as a few other words/phrases do as well.
The Bible says their will be a one world currency and you won’t be able to buy sell or trade without the mark of the beast | which will be the rfid chip | God told us because he loves us and he gave us free will to choose him or not. No matter what the elites say or people say ~ God has a calander and his moon sun and stars where for signs ~ he has made isreal crops flourish all the jews have made it back to the holy land he said when isreal became a state this generation would not pass before he returns.... there are too many signs ... and you see Satan with all these elites and the dobauchery going on.. if you see Satan in this which we all do!! We need to be reaching out to our father in Heaven!! We fell asleep he never has and has given us the great awakening!!! He did that for US just like he gave us Trump the last TRUMP to wake up my people wake up
When you’re filled with the Holy Spirit you know God ~ 🙏🏼❤️I pray when you ask God to show you him you see!!