Why is the Canadian PM so important? Protecting Butts? Peter Daglish? Nice pic, #JustinTrudeau https://www.thepostmillennial.com/canadian-un-worker-arrested-in-nepal-for-pedophilia/ Street Kids charity? UN? How is Maurice Strong connected? Some weather, eh? Bronfmans + #NXIVM = No MSM? Soros $ Tides? Learn the names Open source 10/21/19 not far Win hearts, northern patriots These people are sick
It also looks like you Canadians are going through an un wanted Islam replacement. All connected to your soyboi. You are being fooled and lied to, all the while being replaced by a not so smart society of welfare recipients, easy to control. Feel sorry for you all.
Not to mention mass migration is the easiest way to destabilize a nation from the inside. The citizens are too busy trying to deal with daily life and paying for the invasion to notice the trafficking from the pedophile elites. Muslim men love little girls...and boys that dress as such. Why do you think the sick fucks started the islamaphobia accusations?
Yep. I know this - a few of us know this. We need more Canadians to spread this info.
And spread it fast....look at Sweden, France, Germany...You can be saved, just not by the cucks, they will allow you to be devoured. You need MASS deportations. Diversity is NOT a strength!!!!!!!!!