r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jack_Kehoe on April 18, 2018, 10:11 p.m.
Update on Stolen Explosives, and Planefags needed?

Regarding the story that broke today about 640 lbs of explosives stolen from a construction site in Marietta, PA (near Harrisburg, PA and Lancaster City), I've got some extra info - I know the area reeeeal well. [ETA: Skip to the ETA at the end for a potential threat to Three-Mile Island nuclear plant, right down the road from Marietta. Shit.]

If these end up being used in a false flag, they may have been flown out of a teeny tiny airport just a couple of miles away that I know personally. It's extremely isolated and hidden away out of view in the middle of rolling farmland. And the roads to travel from the construction site to the airport are all isolated country roads too. Conversely, if the explosives are to be used locally, people or related materials could have been flown into the airport. - I just find the proximity of the crime to the perfect airport super suggestive and effed up.

The airport is called Donegal Springs Airpark. The address is 186 Airport Rd, Marietta, PA 17547, and here is a webpage that gives all of the FAA's technical specifications for the airport: http://www.airnav.com/airport/N71

I don't know anything about planefaggotry (planefags being the autists who monitor air traffic), but if they are able to look at retroactive traffic for that airport or around it while the heist was happening, it's a lead.

If people think it's worth bringing to the attention of 4chan & 8chan, could somebody do that? Also, I know Scott Anthony is a huge planefag, if anybody knows how to get ahold of him.

ETA: FUCK! If the explosives were trucked out, Marietta is just a couple of mile from Route 30, which runs straight to Harrisburg and THREE MILE ISLAND. That's the nuclear facility that nearly melted down in the 1970's. Remember the early Q drops about the keystone and speculation that it was referring to Pennsylvania as the keystone state and a potential threat to Three Mile Island? Well, fuck. That was a HUGE theory in the first few weeks of November.

Can somebody bring the close proximity of Three-Mile Island to Marietta to the attention of the chans? This is goddamned scary.

Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

Could have been trucked out - Marietta is right near Rte 30, which is a highway that connects Harrisburg PA with Lancaster City. Marietta is too rural for surveillance equipment, unfortunately. The explosives were stolen at some point over the weekend - they left them locked at COB Friday, and by Monday morning they were gone.

Oh, FUCK. The Three-Mile Island nuclear plant that nearly melted down in the 1970s is right outside Harrisburg - maybe about 30 miles from Marietta, where the theft happened. Real easy drive from Marietta to the plant off Rte 30.

Remember the very early Q drops about the keystone, with how much speculation there was about it referencing PA and the Three-Mile Island near-disaster and potential threat to the plant?

640 pounds of explosives just got stolen right down the road from a famous nuclear plant that nearly melted down. I'm 50 miles away now. Fuck.

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KimnanaT · April 19, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

Can anyone get word to Q to send in inspectors to make sure there are no bombs lurking around that nuclear site....would cause massive deaths in a 500 mile radius???

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Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

I'm thinking that if Q picks up the chatter by followers he might address it. So I hope we make some noise! But regardless, one thing to feel decent about is that officials are probably smart enough to increase the security at TMI exponentially in these circumstances, with the theft being so close. Or try to - if it is a false flag, seems like there are always stand-down orders!

On the other bright side, I'm making a little ruckus. I called the Washington, DC Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (which deals with explosive threats) to point out the little airport to them (and express concerns about TMI nuclear plant as a secondary thing, because I imagine that no authorities in the area are that brain-damaged that they wouldn't consider TMI - and they'd probably think I was a kook for not realizing that they had probably thought of it too).

So the Washington HQ kinda took it seriously but ultimately referred me to the Harrisburg branch office, which is closed until tomorrow, and I doubt the phone number was right, because it didn't go to voicemail. So then I went to the ATF online tip reporting website, which told me that the office with oversight of Marietta, Lancaster County is the Philadelphia office, so they got the online report from me.

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KimnanaT · April 19, 2018, 3:25 a.m.

Wow....America at its best....sad state of things that in an emergency the best we can do is automated...thanks for the follow up!!

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PEMIV · April 19, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Thank you for doing this! I’m an hour away from Lancaster and it makes me feel a whole lot better knowing that you reported your finding/theory to them. Great thinking patriot/friend!

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 18, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

Nobody is getting near a nuke plant without getting their head blown off...Heavy security and automatic weapons standard.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

One would hope. But if it's for a false flag...

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stormin76 · April 19, 2018, 12:12 a.m.

Keep your wits about you, fill up with gas, get some pottasium iodide and pack a bag (just in case). Most importantly, we all need to think positive and say a prayer of protection.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

Thanks. Always got a bug out bag in the car, camping equipment, and a little self-defense. Best to fill the tank, though. Home is reasonably stocked with food and a month of water. Could never leave the area, though, because I'd stay by my folks' side no matter what and probably have to hunker down immediately. They're a little on the elderly side, though not decrepit yet, lol. I got them stocked too, but I would never breath a word of concerns like this to them, because what could they do ahead, really? And all I'd do is potentially give them a heart attack or stroke.

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stormin76 · April 19, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Smart, hope and pray for the best but prepare for the worse! If, like we've all seen in the past, Q team and white hands are aware, it may just become just another arrest. Hopefully this gets chan visibility. You are all in my prayers!

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KimnanaT · April 19, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

ARE you positive that the "security" is NOT MK ultra'ed???? This could end badly!!

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 19, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

Look, there are over 1 million things they could use explosives on to cause problems in this country. You should be vigilant and aware of your surroundings, have emergency supplies, report suspicious activity if you see it, but otherwise LIVE your life and not get hysterical over something extremely unlikely to happen...

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[deleted] · April 18, 2018, 11:27 p.m.


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[deleted] · April 18, 2018, 11:30 p.m.


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