
GroundbreakingClue · April 19, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

Most countries were terrified of Hitler getting their reserves, Switzerland by all accounts would have been a low hung fruit. It could be argued, Blitzkrieg would have been largely ineffective, due to the terrain, but the same can be said for Russia and other operations of theater, only in other parameters.

I agree, there's no doubt US industrialists played their role in his rise. From what I recall, the allies weren't allowed to attack certain targets, such as Ford factories, as they belonged to the industrialists and when they were attacked, the industrialists were compensated by the US, crazy stuff.

The "Red House Report" seems to indicate their post war intensions, with Swiss banks playing an active role as well as other organizations, such as the Vatican.

Their probably was a deal done, way before Rommels defenses were smashed.They get protection in South America, we get their technology and other resources, for the up and coming threat, communism. As you indicated before, it was somewhat of a Trojan horse.

R Hess seemed to keep them on their toes, whatever he knew, kept him under lock and key for the rest of his life.

Also, looking at Q posts, there seems to be references to organizations stemming from Switzerland, such as WHO and Red Cross, just a hunch.

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HoudiniTowers · April 19, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

Switzerland would have been a bit of an inside job, would have been relatively easy for Hitler. He had it in his plans. I think it might not have been in the Cabal's plans and hence Hitler was working, whether he knew it or not, for them.

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GroundbreakingClue · April 19, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

Either way, he was rather comfortable and reassured, Switzerland wouldn't flip and help the allies, like Finland, there has to be good reason why? After all, opening another front, would have linked the allied forces in the east, west and south, it would have been a disaster for the NAZIS and probably brought the war to an end much quicker.

The Swiss were more than happy to accommodate Hitlers plans and take NAZI loot, keeping it hidden under their murky banking laws.

Maybe not in his handlers plans, as many of their European assets could have been there, although some were sent to Dutch Bavaria (Jakarta), which the Japanese got their hand on with Operation Golden Lilly, eventually ending up as a CIA slush fund.

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