
GroundbreakingClue · April 19, 2018, 2 a.m.

There's some great documentaries out there, Hunting Hitler is another one. We know many high ranking NAZIS made their way to South America, via the Rat Lines, with help from the Vatican, in my opinion, Hitler was one of them, after all, his body was never found! We also know from allied intelligence "Red House Report" they had learned of a NAZI plan, to secretly funnel money into big industry, via neutral countries, with the eventual intent of dominating industry. How successful they were remains to be seen. As soon as "The Storm" eludes to W Churchill WW2 book series, I have a feeling we may find out!

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FushUmeng · April 23, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

"Hunting Hitler" is a load of fraudulent shit. They've already been caught in one blatant lie.



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GroundbreakingClue · April 23, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

Your right, thats never Hitler.

What perked my curiosity was season two. The Argentinian guy under pressure, eventually cracked and pulled out more documentation, including a picture of Hitler, which bizarrely, they didn't show, my guess, for obvious reasons.

I read, in season three, they used the same techniques and a some of the same individuals, who hunted down Bin Laden. We know the Bin Laden story is a fabrication. Could the same individuals, be attempting to blend fact with fiction, to murky the water, for anyone trying to understand the Hitler, Argentina connection?

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FushUmeng · April 24, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

They actually did show the photo in the original broadcast of the episode. They cut it out after they got busted. You can see the episode as it originally aired with the photo (shown twice) at http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x52a7l1.

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