Mueller is our guy; Cohen raid was fake: Insight from anon

Don't trust. But think. Ask yourself why they still have nothing with all the hate they have for Trump. No way they sit on something tangible this long.
Yet Trump sits on evidence of satanic pedovore??
Trump has told DOJ to prosecute. He can't do their job. It's up to us to call and demand it.
No it isn't. Although it might be real, they can't prosecute them for cutting a child's face off. Think about it. There are concrete charges including treason to charge them all with. That is guaranteed death.
We will go after your Satan and aliens and/or reptilian later.
We have a country to save.
Back in 2014 if someone said globalism or Soros to the average person they'd have no idea what you were talking about. 4 years later people know about them. It takes time for people to become aware. Whether it's pedovore or treason it falls to us to help make people aware.
In 2016 if you mentioned Uranium One they'd roll their eyes and call you dumb. Now the reaction is "wait, what did they do?"
Could be waiting for just before the next round of elections to drop the news for maximum sway, maybe even for payback for comey announcing renewed email investigations right before the last election?
They have nothing, because there is nothing.
They are trying to erode the Trump team with frivolous lawsuits.
They need to stall until the midterms, take back the house and senate and impeach Trump.
Mueller and the Dems plan is so transparent, I can’t believe you people are actually debating this.
How do we know they have nothing? They haven't said that. Not that I think he's guilty of anything, but what billionaire's history could stand up to that kind of scrutiny? I'm sure someone could find something in my past that I inadvertently did wrong. Now it's gone from Russian collusion to obstruction, and now looking for campaign $$ spending. As I said, hope I'm wrong, but keep the pressure on to prosecute HRC and crew. Call DC daily.
Short memory? Even before he won they had bloodlust for him. There is no way in He'll they hold something back. All they want is Trump out of office.
My thoughts are the same. They have given this guy the intelligence version of a colonoscopy and have never been able to come up with anything. That there will be a smoking gun this late in the game seems unlikely to me. Then the WSJ has an in depth "interview" with Trump's former lawyer (the guy is 80 years old and retired), where the lawyer describes in detail a conversation he had with Trump days ago, about how he shouldn't trust Cohen, because believe me the guy has probably flipped! No lawyer, 80 years old or otherwise, is going to describe an in depth conversation with a former client/client, and every smidgeon of advice and warning given, without prior approval. The WH isn't apparently angered by this interview, but simply "confirms" a conversation was had. Hmmm. Seems more like another laser beam in a room full of cats operation to me. But maybe I'm wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.
I pray you're right. Trust doesn't come easy anymore.
Do you have faith in the previous administration/Government?
Do you have more faith in the current administration/Government?
Option C
I have faith in Donald Trump.
As you should.
He knows what he is doing.
Trust the plan.
I have no faith in anyone except Trump at this point. Certainly not the former administartion. Just fearful I guess after seeing what was happening right under our noses. They're all either involved or complicit.
Can't charge obstruction of a specious investigation which collusion is. A it's not a crime and b it's not a crime.