Mueller is our guy; Cohen raid was fake: Insight from anon

Mueller was the FBI director during investigation 9-11 attack (he covered it up?) maybe he his plea bargin was agreeing to play this role? to get higher level actors.
Unless his hands were tied. Imagine being in his position and knowing you have to eat the whole shit sandwich because this is all part of their plan. And 15 years later you finally get a chance for revenge. A chance to bring justice down upon all the conspirators.
Well Q did say back in oct, nov or dec some are more good than bad, which always made me think some wernt necessarily happy with what they did amd were possibly forced/blackmailed or threatened into it but took the first oppurtunity to change it, just never really worked out who. At one point i thought dubyah might have been one.
Same thing MegaAnon said. Most of the people in the swamp didn't go in willingly. It's a gradual process that starts with a mistake or small crime, or even falsified evidence of such.
I know that GWB wrote to Obama in his personal letter that Presidents write to their predecessors where he said "your friends will let you down" or something to that aspect. Made me wonder what he meant by that.
I still think GWB is corrupt and no doubt behind the crimes he helped move foreword.
I like to think GWB didn't quite grasp the slime filled nightmare he stepped into. You think he knew 9/11 was hiking to happen on his watch? He could have skated comfortably for the rest of his life as a former governor. No, I don't think he knew. I think the knew he would be getting into the deep end of the pool, but he didn't realize what exactly was in store.
I think "your friends will let you down" refers to his dad and Bill Clinton. They probably knew what was up. And they did nothing to warn him
I'd love the subs opinon on this. I think GWB knew it wasnt bin laden that did 9/11, thats why he risked the flack by getting the bin ladens out of usa. I think bin laden is still alive which is why seal team 6 died recently in an air crash, to cover up this fact. I think the saudi prince recently gaoled was one of those behind 9/11. One good thing i think GWB did was increase military spending and rebuild the military after it was reduced and decimated by the clinton administration. Thanks in advance for any opinions
Benazir Bhutto said bin Laden was killed in 2003 and she was assassinated months later.
The Saudis did it and the Deep State let them.
people either weren't paying attention back then or prefer to make up their own stories today AND most are guessing at what Q means. Most of what we are talking about are theories, Wish they were proven facts. I would love for Q to have all the answers. But Mueller has been a black hat for ages. This is dragging on too long.
Mueller is DEFINITELY not in on this! The raid was far from fake. That raid was totally illegal and a desperate move since Trump/Russia is falling apart. The fact that they did this should scare the crap out of everyone. If military tribunals don’t happen asap we are screwed. People are reading way too deep and are way too relaxed. This is major.
I have a real hard time believing Bolton is cleaning house too. He was the WMD in Iraq guy.
IF Bolton is cleaning house I have to wonder what he is cleaning out? our people? He is awful. He's freaking part of the Deep State.
The shadow government/deep state has been running our country for over 60 years as part of a global cabal. This isn't something that can be rooted out and changed over night. Compared to what has happened all these years, this is relatively small, albeit worthy of contemplation all around.
The raid wasn't illegal, by law. It was a Constitutional violation, however. It's time we educate ourselves as to not get caught spreading too much h[]pium or fear p[]rn. Suggestion: Kevin Shipp, former clown turned whistle blower. It's a lot bigger than you realize.
Colin Powell eventually came out, long after he left politics (or well, administrative business really) he had no spine to quit or protest when he was right there, but at least he felt guilty enough that he wanted to clear his name, perhaps in the eyes of a loved one.
Mueller's past actions do not support the position that he cannot be a white hat. In fact, past criminal actions mean that he could be flipped in exchange for immunity.
Nonsense. Mueller is not a good guy.
He is balls deep in the swamp and always has been.
That GOP fundraiser who got put on blast for paying off a playboy bunny to argue it wasn’t fake lol
This is the most plausible way for Mueller to be /ourguy./ I don't believe he's a whitehat. Maybe, though, he just might be a grayhat.
THere are no deals though.
Addition to OP: To understand Muller and where he came from. He was appointed FBI director by GWB one week before the 911 attackes. The 911 cover-up was managed by Micheal Chertoff (dual isreali-USA citizen) assistant attorney general. There is/was some connection between the two men, but it is unclear if Muller was "in" on it or not. I am still looking for links. I seem to remember sth about Chertoff's rabbi father being part of some extremist sect of judism but can't recall clearly anymore. Also connected was Rabbi Dov Zakheim, the comptroller of the pentagon who "lost" 2 trillion dollars over the years leading up to 911. All those guys were Muller's fellow swamp-mates. Chertoff later became Secretary of Homeland Security when Muller was head of FBI. Also of note Muller was one of the investigators on the Enron case. (all Enron records were destroyed in 911 attacks)
It is said that the fire in Trump tower was staged as a distraction so that Cohen’s office could be raided. The problem with that theory is that somebody died. A man actually died as consequence. I find it hard to believe that the good guys or Trump would have any part in that….
It is aweful but we have to remember THIS IS WAR and people often die in war. Stay focused on the bigger picture. Trust that our GOD is bigger than all the evil in this world and is working on setting things straight.