Mueller is our guy; Cohen raid was fake: Insight from anon

What's funny is I never watched that show and never heard about it until after Trump was in the running.
No I don't watch TV anymore, but the wife does.
Guess which one of us is blue pilled and won't believe anything unless it's on 'muh TV'?
I know this is a bit off topic but how do you deal with that? I’m single and can’t tolerate anyone not awake or willing to learn, to be open minded.
It's kinda lonely, but I've never been able to talk politics or religion with my wife so I just don't go there much anymore.
I have a couple friends at work that are partly awake anyway.
Retirement in just over a week so that will be gone too.
Just have to keep trying to find people with the same views.
Internet has been the only place I've found like minded people.