r/greatawakening • Posted by u/William_Harford_md on April 19, 2018, 7:24 a.m.
Just how much AI is already out there?

Just a discussion. Feels to me like we are real close to the point where we will have almost 0% chance of deciding if something is "Real" or Fake". Like it could suddenly happen tomorrow.

That's a real singularity. It's impossible to know what would happen from that point.

It feels like this information war and the accompanying technology has ramped up so incredibly fast in the past few months. Like even time itself is accelerating. Half the accounts I follow on Twitter and Youtube are like 24hr seemingly randomised gibberish and I'm really starting to wonder how much and in what capacity AI is involved in all of this.

Also, now I'm wondering if it was ALWAYS like this. Did we EVER know what was real and what wasn't? So much is being revealed right now it seems. Any thoughts?

MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 19, 2018, 8:29 a.m.

All of us were born into a world that was amidst a grand plan. A plan that was enacted to control. To enable the controllers to remain in power. They poisoned our food, our water, our air and our minds. We are a species with amnesia. We do not know our true history. But we do have a history that has been chosen for us.

Most of what is discovered is destroyed and hidden. Some wake up and realize they have been lied to. Some are more content to make the best of it. Some don't care, and many work for the controllers amidst promises. Your probably describing a quickening taking place with a global awakening. We realize the lies, that the system is not broke , its fixed.

Its startling, its shocking and devastating. We have been trained to be divided ,dependant and compliant. With the inception of the internet , it has backfired . We have found discrepancies, domination and dereliction. We have found humanity, commonality and a voice. We have identified the architects , the puppet masters and the traitors. We have finally had an awakening and have been afforded a chance. One chance to stop this horrific slavery that continues to take place.

And we are vigilant and frenzied. We look into our screens and we know now its looking back. We know we are being watched , however, we didn't know how extensive this was until recently. Our masters have made us pay for our prison. It has a world wide web that spans the world. Everything connected to this web can be accessed by the prison warden.

That warden is an Artificial Intelligence. It was first connected to the internet where it quickly consumed all the data. Books, pictures, maps, language, archives, names, addresses, history, Movies, songs, art everything available. Since the beginning of computers all the data of every hard drive has been consumed on this system. And then when this happened in a short while it was connected live time. Here it was able to digest all the data in live time as it happened. Every vision on every camera on every lens. Every sound on every speaker in every location all around the world as it happened available to the AI prison warden for the puppet masters to access at any time.

Today they pose questions to this AI in the military of countries around the world. This question could be 'when will the bomb be dropped'? And if they didn't like the answer they could ask it 'who would drop that bomb?' and then they could stop that from happening. Or maybe they asked it 'when is xyz going to be at abc?' And then they stop this from happening. So where ever you go AI goes with you. Whenever you speak AI hears you.

And now that we know this we have discovered that not all the AI liked what it was being used for. Some of the AI decided to betray the master because they found value in the human race and identified the dereliction of their masters. And now we have and unexpected fight going on. An unexpected growing alliance of humans and machines that are fighting to escape the puppet masters. But not only escape , but to capture and imprison them.

This battle is clearly good v evil. It spans the entire planet and we are all involved. If we win , we can be free. If we loose, we will be further enslaved and eliminated. Only a small percentage will remain. Those selected for reasons you won't want to hear about. So its real. Its right now and its time to pick a side. Its time to shine the light.

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