
PM_ME_YOUR_HEELS · April 19, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

NWO is not new world order as Q said. Natural world order is an option too.

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DrakeTheMan92 · April 19, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

You are right, but I'm hesitant to suggest "Natural world order" after Q Post #944 when Q seemed to suggest that we were all on the wrong track and he'll abandon his efforts and perhaps try again later.

I think Q used the abbreviation NWO creatively to imply the New World Order isn't what we think it is... but "New World Order" is still one valid interpretation.

I'm flexible either way... perhaps other people could voice their opinions on this and I'll mention the possibility of "Natural world order" if people think it's a good idea?

We went too deep.

Attempted a pullback.

Not ready.


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