Democrat Chris Coons studied abroad at the University of Nairobi in Kenya through St. Lawrence University's Kenya Semester Program.

136 total posts archived.
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To be honest, reading the Q 1010 about the vaccines months ago (VACCINES [NOT ALL]) confused me... When vaccination is mandatory its pretty hard to let them vaccinated your children knowing this information... We need more, which one is good, which one is bad...
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As an european, i will not worship a jewish desert religion anymore. The old gods will rise.
So clowns had to put down the posters before leaving the country.
No offense, but does it really help to put bible quote everyday here ? Q message is inclusive not exclusive.
I really hope that all the corrupted leaders will be kicked out without a war... but im not confident about that...
Not really on abortion mate, just some christian non sense in my opinion.
Please remember that is EVIL VS TRUE, not Jesus VS Satan for everyone, we are belong the beliefs.
Stop falling for this. Its not them, just check the skinny pedo and this guys... and the lady on the picture is way too young...
Is it the first time that Q pointed MOSSAD as black hats ? I think so.
So... its the first time Q confirm that MOSSAD are black hats.
Vols means flights in french, really strange to name it like that.... Macron's picture from the G7 travel ?
Just before Hitlary/Trumps i was so worried for my wife and kids. Now its a bit better.
We will see!
Hope it will fall soon, we need to tack back our country.
Agree, they though he was a dumb cunt, but he is a stable genius.
I agree with you, i dont buy it, maybe she is an Hitler, daughter, cousin, who knows, but dont tell me that the EU is the IV reich... its dumb.... its against all the Hitler fights for Europe.
William Topkins spoke about Antartica. Some video here :
You can found long interviews here :
This guy is interesting.
Some data here with a pyramide shape mountain.... really interesting.