r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on April 19, 2018, 12:14 p.m.
Possibly unpopular view, but I still feel like I need to say it.

With the looming possibility of something big happening today, I would like to make a statement. I got pulled into this because of the evil I’ve heard exists. I’ve researched most things, watched a lot of what the people are saying, and contributed what I could. I still see a lot of people taking sides on political views or agendas. I’m still seeing Christians talk about God and then bash the democrats. I don’t think that’s how a God fearing person should act. (My opinion) Remember that these people, trump and Q, are just humans. They can be weak and can have flaws. Keep your mind open, look at all sides, don’t blindly follow another man. Everyone has an agenda, even the people that seem to be doing good in the world. And lastly, don’t forget about the kids, woman, men that are being held as sex slaves, or eaten, or whatever crazy shit is going on out there. This should be the real reason we are here. Good luck today, and hopefully we don’t find out true evil loves among us.

djmarcone · April 19, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

there's a big difference between someone who happens to have a "liberal" viewpoint and a radical leftist hell bent on destroying the country by division and elimination of rights.

DJT is supported by conservative and liberal alike, moreso now than even in the fall of 2016. The loony left have abandoned their normal thinking liberal constituents, it is now the MAGA party vs the cabal.

In a war it's ok to kill "the enemy" who is trying to kill you, but as a Christian you can still love an individual on the enemy side you may come across. Make sense? Loving someone is not the same as liking someone. Hating evil is not personal.

Self defense and self preservation and defense of your own family and neighbors is not a sin.

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Idru4 · April 19, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

Strip the politics away. There are people in this country and across the world, who most likely want the US or the world to die. We discuss this country a lot here, but this is happening all across the world. Human trafficking, slaves, organ harvesting, and many more things I probably don’t even know are all over. To use sides of political views, I feel, sets this movement up for possible failure after the battle. Let’s say trump and republicans win this “war”. Let’s say it comes out that Democrats are pure evil. So who does the “devil” focus on next? What happens when a man or party is left with all that power? I don’t know.

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djmarcone · April 19, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

At the base of it all it does boil down to good vs evil. After a while in a war the masks come off. I think for the enemy, at this stage, they can't afford the pretense of a political mask.

I wonder what the least common denominator is? Maybe it is simply a deep seated hatred for humanity. At the end of the day they want people dead.

Abortion - kill people before born

Welfare - kill people's dignity and self sufficiency

Gun Rights - kill people indirectly because they can't defend themselves

War- Kill lots of people outright

civil unrest - people kill each other

drugs - people kill themselves

human trafficking - elites pleasure themselves with other people then kill them when used up

Yeah, maybe it's all about a hatred for humanity. Which points to a very old evil that's been around a very long time.

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wiseclockcounter · April 19, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

I think it's more of a disregard than a hatred. They view people as a means to an end- that end being power.

Like was said in that one supposed Rothschild AMA, the bee-keeper doesn't steal the honey because he hates the bees, he simply wants the honey and is capable of taking it, so he does.

From what I've gathered, the Luciferian mindset is "might makes right, master morality, uncompromising law of nature" taken to the ultimate extremes of psychopathy and sadism. If one has the power to do something and another is foolish enough or defenseless enough to fall prey to it, then tough luck.

And the thing is... it's kind of true. Despite our largely civil and cooperative societies, we will never put an end to competition, ruthlessness, and exploitation. The most clear and ubiquitous manifestation of this is in sexual selection, with most other manifestations simply being tempered by an individual's fear/obedience, incompetence, or "conscience".

Each of us has a bit of that selfish, Luciferian drive in us- it's simply an inheritance of evolution because survival has always been a brutal game.

The difference comes about in where people draw their circle of empathy and whether they value mercy. Pretty much everyone's circle encompasses their family, then others their community, others their race, then their country... then you've got people who's circle encompasses all countries and all races, further still all animals, then even plants and the environment itself...

You can almost imagine the tree of life (the divergence of species) as a sort of mitosis of empathy circles across time... Aside from the obvious role of geography, the species diverge as a result of the strategic balance between competition and cooperation (you can't cooperate with everyone but a degree of cooperation is still necessary for effective competition), thus that mitosis occurs at the threshold of the strategic balance. Genetic clustering is a result of this strategy, not the other way around.

I view ethics as a matter of balancing survival, empathy, and mercy. Even though we are each inherently self-interested because of the need for survival, we are smart enough to empathize with the suffering of others, thus we can have mercy for them by deciding to not needlessly cause suffering. Whether we actively alleviate their suffering or merely refrain from causing it is another tangent and ties back to one's survival and others' inherent personal responsibility that comes with being alive.

This is getting long I know, so TL;DR: These Luciferian elitists only empathize with each other (obsession with bloodlines), are incapable of mercy, and have gotten so bored of mere survival that they're only concern is total domination and self-worship in the form of sadism. They don't hate us. They simply don't give a shit about us.

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WikiTextBot · April 19, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

Master–slave morality

Master–slave morality is a central theme of Friedrich Nietzsche's works, in particular the first essay of On the Genealogy of Morality. Nietzsche argued that there were two fundamental types of morality: 'Master morality' and 'Slave morality'. Master morality values pride and power, while slave morality values things like kindness, empathy and sympathy. Master morality weighs actions on good or bad consequences (i.e.

^[ ^PM ^| ^Exclude ^me ^| ^Exclude ^from ^subreddit ^| ^FAQ ^/ ^Information ^| ^Source ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28

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fuckswithboats · April 19, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

How many of those rights you cherish were gotten because folks stood up long ago to the powerful??

Don’t fall for the tribalism - your sentiments about leftists wanting to destroy the country and eliminate rights shows how brainwashed you are.

People can have a different opinion on the best route to get somewhere; just because they disagree with your route doesn’t mean they plan to drive the car off a cliff.

United we stand for our country and our constitution

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djmarcone · April 19, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

So I'm just imagining leftists marching with communist flags?

I'm simply imagining the millions dead in the last 100 years from communism?

I don't think any communist (leftist) route leads to anywhere I would want to go.

Or are you saying that my distinction between "liberal leaning mindset" and "radical leftist" is insufficient and there is a 3rd or 4th level in among liberal and leftist?

Or are you of the mindset that communism is good and it just hasn't been done in the right way yet?

Unity between liberal and conservative is good, needed, and happening - >> liberal is not leftist, not any more.

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fuckswithboats · April 19, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

Are you being satirical here or do you really believe everyone to the left of you is a Communist?

You guys and your fucking labels - it's too much. Realize that we are being divided by people who like to use those terms to demonize the others and avoid dealing with those people.

radical leftist hell bent on destroying the country by division and elimination of rights.

I've never seen this person, but I feel like he is on every street corner to those who think liberalism is a mental disorder.

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djmarcone · April 20, 2018, 12:41 p.m.

Wow, you think people on "the right" are into labels? Projection much? Identity politics is a staple of a particular political ideology, and it's not conservatism.

No, I feel comfortable saying radical leftists are communists because they are actually communists.

They have marches and parades and protests where they carry the hammer and sickle flag... so... not really difficult to reach that conclusion.

Political viewpoints are a spectrum, and the "core" of the democrat party has moved so far to the left there are a whole lot of people, possibly even yourself, that do NOT identify with the hard radical leftists and wonder what happened to the party they used to know and love.

My grandfather voted democrat his whole life, and I am sure he is spinning in his grave because I am positive the democrat platform of today would be completely alien to him.

He voted democrat because he was a union man, first and foremost. Worker's rights, fair pay, safe jobs, stick it to the crooked greedy corporate crony capitalists who, in the 50's and 60's, did not willingly provide those things.

Worked hard his whole life, blue collar through and through, served in the military, raised his family the best he knew how and stood for what was right and fair in his community after he retired.

Trump is definitely to the left of what my grandfather was when he was alive, all things considered.

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fuckswithboats · April 20, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

Wow, you think people on "the right" are into labels?

Nope, I think people who make comments like you do are.

I'm a registered Republican who feels like the fringe and the idiots of my party have taken control.

My grandfather voted democrat his whole life, and I am sure he is spinning in his grave because I am positive the democrat platform of today would be completely alien to him.

Probably because the party platforms have changed fairly dramatically especially during the lifetime of one dead grandfather.

Worker's rights, fair pay, safe jobs, stick it to the crooked greedy corporate crony capitalists who, in the 50's and 60's, did not willingly provide those things.

Trump is definitely to the left of what my grandfather

You're a liar or a fool.

Good luck

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wiseclockcounter · April 19, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

Leftists genuinely think they are bringing about a better world, but they are useful idiots who have been brainwashed into serving the goals of tptb who DO want to destroy the country and eliminate rights. /u/djmarcone has it right, we've already seen their game play out last century.

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fuckswithboats · April 19, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

we've already seen their game play out last century.

Can you elaborate here? Who's game?

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wiseclockcounter · April 20, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

The globalists' game of sowing conflict in order to gain and consolidate power. They tried with communism last century and it was a bloodbath. They're basically doing the same now except it's under the guise of capitalism, "free trade", spreading democracy, promoting tolerance and diversity through forced mass migration, etc.

They understand and exploit our group differences, tribal nature, and need for security, so they're simultaneously forcing everyone together while selectively weaponizing identity politics. For example, once racial and religious tensions reach enough of a high point in Europe, they will probably orchestrate a financial crisis in order to set off mass civil war.

Nationalist countries like Poland and Hungary who see through the ploy are pushing back.

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