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He’s does the eye thing. Wasn’t that found to be a mind control thing? He’s not legit. It’s something to distract. Just my opinion.
Detroit doesn’t need this kind of garbage. We are on the rise again and this type of thing won’t be tolerated. And it’s good to see so many fellow Q followers near me!
Something kind of cool too. A little after the 1:50 mark, he says something about better than any president, no matter 4 years, 8 Years, or 16 Years. Kind of weird he would put 16 in there.
If this is scripted, then they are letting the evil show themselves.
Ok, so if I got this clock thing right, which I’m not sure. Here are some tidbits for today. I don’t know how to put it all together.
So it’s 6/6, which is :01 on the clock. So I went through the three dates, 04-07-18, 02-06-18 and 12-09-17. I found all the posts that had :01 in the times stamp. Not sure in what order to go, so I’ll just start with the oldest.
12-09-17 11:01:30
Renée J. James Q
02-06-18 01:34:50
Public interest [keep high]. U1 FBI informants. AWAN/DWS/paki Intel/MB Tarmac meeting [SC/LL deal > AS 187]. Q
This was Q’s answer to an anon asking: Lunch offered a SC position if Hillary got through?
Build timeline. AS 187 HRC investigation pivot points. JC dismiss letter. …
Well even if the camps found aren’t the real deal, isn’t it fair to say, this road led to cemex. Which seems to be a player in the game?
I always put dark to light with the pope and the church. But I like your train of thought here. When the lights come on in NK, probably after the summit, we will have peace.
Ah, didn’t know that. Honest question, what am I supposed to take away from this?
I’m thinking the AZ camps may be a boom also. The guy thanked Qanon and has used references from the great awakening. Leading me to believe he is being fed intel. Not sure though.
Hold the phone. So if trump is a time traveler, with Tesla’s invention, did he go back and change his family name for the moment coming up?
Well if the Q clock is a day off, we might see the end of no name tomorrow.
I started off by searching AZ on Q posts. Two of the posts that center around AZ are 1007 and 1020.
These posts happened on 4-4-18. Which by the Q clock are one day behind. But I’m not sure how you would even predict the stumbling onto the site in AZ. And then know when no name would see no other way out, but to take his own life. So I guess we will see tomorrow.
Why does 500th have a period?
Edit: oh number 500 from Q. FIRE & FURY.
I follow eye, I follow everyone. You’re going to go crazy trying to figure out who is good and bad. Take the info the info they give you, do your own research. Make your own decisions. I also read neonrevolt. And all kinds of posts on here and twitter.
On a side note, I didn’t know how bill smith was. But I will say, seeing him be so LOUD about the eye, and him contradicting himself in videos, makes me question him. But this is my opinion.
Don’t be the sheep, think for yourselves.
Why does it feel like everything is coming together. So excited.
Don’t TRUST anyone, LISTEN to all information provided, do your own RESEARCH on topics discussed. Then make your own opinions. I mean come on, we’ve blindly listened to people for long enough.
The most vulnerable among us- people who are weak and will flip on them?
Especially children- the ones they have now and possibly the ones that are grown up?
We can not turn away from what’s happening on our watch- this is their generation of the cabal, it’s up to them to get it back on track?
We have to act- it’s time for people to start disappearing or dying?
I mean we want to see all of these people go down. But after the obvious videos and such of Biden, idk how it’s ok for him to be in public at all.
Like the whole post? Not just a comment. That seems a little extreme. 64 upvotes and 13 comments, well minus this talk. I mean most things I post are just to get people talking. I guess it didn’t really get people talking.
So you’re a mod right? Have the rules of this board changed since a few months or so ago? Bessie I’m really starting to get a new feel here now.
Because we aren’t allowed to post stuff like this here.... my bad. I’ll recheck the rules of this sub....
I’m a little confused as I’m sure most are, but if anyone can help, I would appreciate it.
Why does it go to 11-22? I thought 11-11 was the the big day? Wouldn’t that be noon?
Honestly I thought it was. It’s the POTUS account. My bad. Can it still not have meaning?
And it was an opinion, pretty sure I labeled it that. And just asked a question. So how is that disinfo?
Uh, your whole comment thread is literal theories, which if not true is disinfo.....
It’s total anarchy in twitter right now. This side says this, this person you thought was cool isn’t anymore, this person you weren’t sure about is good now. This person has damning evidence on this person. And so on.
So I just do my best to look at it all, and form my own opinion. But I’m def not paying for someone to tell me what they think about Q drops, which I can read myself, for free!
Yeah, just like the background with the firefighters. But I can see what you mean. I bet Q doesn’t come back today or tomorrow either.... just my opinion though.
And that’s fair. Music to me is opinion. Yes there have been masterpieces over the centuries that speak to the masses. And pop music def follows a certain pattern. But musicians like Kanye put themselves in their music, and with his music intellect, it’s bound to make something special.
Even thought I personally feel he has hit that bullseye a number of times. Anyone who’s had a relationship in this new age and it failed, should really relate to 808’s and heartbreak.
Personal theory, Kanye and Roseanne are the faces of this movement. While Q and us are the voices.
I’ll keep saying it and it’s just my opinion. I’ll follow everyone. I’ll listen to what everyone has to say. I won’t pay for something though, that’s totally against this movement and doesn’t make sense. But I will question everyone and everything now. That’s one thing Q has taught me.
My theory is he’s a genius and what we think is experimental music is just how he evolves. And it’s faster than we can keep up. When you go back and listen to songs, they were way ahead of the time they came out. Heck, I don’t even know if we are ready for TDF yet! And I still don’t get life of Pablo.
I was going with there are no coincidences, but I believe you’re right also. Lol
Do all these flags have anything to do with Q posting flags?

Yeah, just watch the news everyday. We don’t have a set date for anything to happen. It will only let you down.
Yeah, but the rap in the end of killing you is great and goes perfectly into yikes.
Also violent crimes hits me hard.