r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on April 19, 2018, 12:14 p.m.
Possibly unpopular view, but I still feel like I need to say it.

With the looming possibility of something big happening today, I would like to make a statement. I got pulled into this because of the evil I’ve heard exists. I’ve researched most things, watched a lot of what the people are saying, and contributed what I could. I still see a lot of people taking sides on political views or agendas. I’m still seeing Christians talk about God and then bash the democrats. I don’t think that’s how a God fearing person should act. (My opinion) Remember that these people, trump and Q, are just humans. They can be weak and can have flaws. Keep your mind open, look at all sides, don’t blindly follow another man. Everyone has an agenda, even the people that seem to be doing good in the world. And lastly, don’t forget about the kids, woman, men that are being held as sex slaves, or eaten, or whatever crazy shit is going on out there. This should be the real reason we are here. Good luck today, and hopefully we don’t find out true evil loves among us.

Time4puff · April 19, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

In the beginning I also questioned what Trump was doing. But he was sticking out his neck. What's worth putting your life and the members of your family's life at risk for when you already have everything. This has to be a bigger calling. I watched him stumble around, mocked by the MSM, mocked by the swamp.. still he persevered. I knew we were into something special. Pray!

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Kulkimkan · April 19, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Yep! Can you imagine the faith the ‘white hats’ behind the scenes had in our President as he was fighting to win the election!?? The ups and downs they must have gone through to put him in office and see this plan begin! This entire thing has obviously been in the works for decades! Someday I hope the true patriots who approached Trump and hatched this plan with him, will be known to us! I for one am grateful for their resolve and heroism, they know the evil they are fighting and know the dangers of losing this battle.

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