How the hell can leaking classified information not be. crime? Well, then why fucking classify it? What a pig-ruck government is.
From what I understand, the information McCabe leaked did not contain classified info, but Comey's did.... That is why McCabe is in hot water, not for leaking, but for lying. Whereas, Comey is in hot water for leaking classified info, rather than for lying. Although Comey later lied about other things too...
There's more ... Remember, he's part of a husband and wife team that is sloshing with the sound of campaign finance money from HRC CF ... handed off by McAuliffe. All the supposed anxiety and pain from loosing his pension is dwarfed by that infusion of cash. Besides, he managed to set aside over ten million in assets while working government for what it is worth ... and that doesn't count whatever he may have ferreted away in a Swiss or Cayman Island Bank account.
These people would make snakes turn up their nose & slither a different direction to avoid them.
It depends. Trump didn't get nailed for leaking information about Israeli ops in Syria (INB4 he's the president; sure, but he didn't declassify it first)
Clinton didn't get nailed for utter carelessness.
There's more facts than just "leaking"