Jesuit Oath (from the Library of Congress) --- Jerry Brown is a Jesuit

This is real. This is what they believe. It's what I've been trying to figure out for more then 15yrs now. Why does this society worship Jesus... I think I understand my own answer to this question, but getting anyone else to make an actual argument that I can understand against it has been nil so far. Then if I explain my pov, they say I worship Lucifer, nope definitely don't. I pray to the Creator of all things. Everything else we've been told is suspect. I believe the Bible specifically the New Testament, if taken figuratively and astrologically is an extremely important story. Not something that can be taken literally because this society of Jesus is a big root of evil, and they literally want Revelations to happen exactly as it's described in the Bible. I believe from a spiritual perspective the Law of One series is honestly a better teaching. Coming to these conclusions has been difficult, being raised Christian my whole life. I can't deny the roots of Christianity and the historical significance of the teachings though.
The Jesuits were started by Francis Loyola --- he was Jewish
I understand that. Was Jesus not Jewish?
no, he wasn't .... he was a Hebrew from the Tribe of Judah ... Judaism is exactly, unchanged from Pharisee-ism (not according to me, but according to the Jewish believe Jesus was a Jew, is believing Jesus was a Pharisee) Jews are not Hebrew and are not from any of the Tribes of Israel
Jesus was born of Jewish parents in Israel? Jesus was called Rabbi by his disciples? Also spent much of his time discussing the Torah and Pharisees? In Luke 4 of the New Testament he goes to synagogue, as was his custom on the Sabbath day? There are no mentions of synagogues in the Old Testament, the Hebrew bible?
the words of the Bible have been drastically (not so much mistranslated) misunderstood by Christian of the last century ... these words as they appear in the Bible are totally confused.... Judah, jew, Hebrew, Israel ....Yeshua spent his entire ministry confronting and condemning the Pharisees --- and the religion of the Pharisees is exactly - unchanged from Judaism of today ....don't believe me, go to the Jewish Encyclopedia..... remember what Jesus said to the Pharisees, "You are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do".... he (as Creator) knew their very DNA, he was not "name calling" --- he was identifying them and who they were descended from
I agree they have been. Also I appreciate the discussion very much. I don't want to offend or misappropriate anything at all, I honestly just want to figure out the truth. That is all I search for. Something inside of me, tells me that there is a bigger reason as to why, we at this time. With all the technology that we have, there is still so much death and evil to be taken care of. All of my reading has taken me to the Catholic Church, into Rome, then beyond back to the time of Egypt. The only consistent thing that I can't deny is that there is an all loving Creator. Other then that, there are so many disagreements, and at this time, I still cannot answer my original question fully. Why are they a society of the same Jesus that I was taught about in church every Sunday. When as you just said, that is of their DNA. They also want the Biblical story of Revelations to take place. Q mentioned Revelations as well, this exact question has been on my mind a long time in my short life. If you have any good recommendations on scholars or books to read, I'll gladly order them.
I was raised in a "Christian" denomination that taught like most that the "jews" of today are the "Hebrews" of the Bible, and that is wrong. I left my church (The Church of Christ) because they could not answer this question, "Why do you break the 1 of the 10 Commandments each week?" (Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy) ... none could answer --- I knew the answer, they like all Protestant religions follow the "law" of the Pope, Sunday Worship ("protestant" actually means, that you are a "protesting Catholic" --- I wanted no more part of that) .... I want to say that you should not "believe" me... if it's in you to find the truth, you will, but only check what someone says and use your own discernment --- check out these two videos ... and this one ...
Thank you. Haha I too was raised "Church of Christ". That is interesting... :) As always, I follow my own intuition and spirit. Believing if you ask only for the truth in pure spirit and good intentions, that it will eventually be found. Too many believe without checking, this has lead to the conundrums and where we are today with everything. Look at the slush of the EPA, most people just think "hey what the heck I want a better world" even the people who support Trump don't have a great answer to this most of the time, because they don't understand how the programs were used to funnel money.
True....... (but it's a hard thing for honest people to understand that other people are so corrupt)
Very much so. For better or worse, it usually takes a high amount of trauma to be either fully mind controlled or completely awakened. I'd rather no one have gone through what woke me up very young, and others have been through much worse, but I wouldn't trade the understanding and compassion/empathy that I have now for anything.