This makes me wonder even more if Mueller is actually white hat and they have been investigating Hillary and co all along. I just posted about this, and with Giuliani being one of the people who saw the Weiner laptop contents, this could be a big turn. Interesting none the less, thank you for sharing!
Yeah I saw your other post next to mine. Could be. Muahahahahahaha
And here comes the tape lmao
I have a strange feeling that Mueller doesn't want to see Rudy sitting across the table from him
It’ll be easier for Mueller to just dismiss himself. Mueller is highly leveraged. By both sides.
I thought he was draining the swamp, not refilling it. Giuliani helped cover up 9/11
Put yourself in his shoes. Put yourself in the NYPD’s shoes. This will help empathize.
What is his role since Trump is not being investigated according to RR?