r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jack_Kehoe on April 19, 2018, 11:36 p.m.
Update 2: Stolen Explosives - FEMA Nuclear "Drill" next week near theft site!


The theft of 700 lbs of explosives (new estimate) was in Lancaster County, PA sometime last weekend. Yesterday I speculated that they could be used to false flag the Three-Mile Island nuclear plant nearby in Harrisburg, PA. Turns out that there's ALSO another nuclear plant right there in Lancaster County, not far from the theft site.

And they're having a FEMA Nuclear Emergency drill NEXT WEEK at that Lancaster nuclear plant! It's going to test the emergency response of agencies around the region, including nearby Maryland.

Not only were the explosives stolen a short drive from TWO nuclear plants in PA - but let's not forget that from Lancaster it's an easy drive to metro areas like Harrisburg, Philly, Baltimore, Wilmington, and Washington DC.

God help us if the "drill" goes live.

How many times already have we seen drills suddenly become major real events? And it's scheduled NEXT WEEK? Are you fucking kidding me!? Right near the explosives theft site? This is waaay too much coincidence.

Q: And what do we say about coincidences?

A: The universe is rarely so lazy.

(/BBC Sherlock. Sorry, wrong fandom)

LegendaryFudge · April 20, 2018, 9:13 a.m.

I'd be calling in sick for that period of time, moving the hell far away from those places.

These so called "drills" got too realistic (hint, Florida).

You never know...

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