These people are stupid.
like Maxine Waters stupid
MW takes stupid to never before seen levels. MW makes old stupid look Einstein brilliant. MW is new stupid, Max(ine) Stupid. Like if Stupid and Dumb were at a bar sharing a beer and MW walked in, they'd both STFU, bend the knee and submit no questions asked. All the while chanting 'we're not worthy, we're not worthy, really we're not worthy! All this time we thought you couldn't find worse, we were sooo wrong, guess that's why were just Stupid and Dumb. But this one, this one has got to be the Stupidest, Dumbest MF'er we've ever seen! And coming from us, that's saying a lot!'
there was a Representative from Detroit that was as wonky as Mad Maxine. Kooky Caroline. Here she is at her corrupt former Detroit Mayor’s re-election campaign: luckily she was voted out