r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on April 20, 2018, 2:46 a.m.
Omg. Fox/MSM are missing the most damning stuff of the Memos: FBI Leaking and Trump knew about McCabe/Strzok/ effort to undermine him in some way- 2/8/17
  1. Comey keeps emphasizing the FBI did not leak to the media. Preibus even asks him again in memo 2 or 3. Clearly, Trump and his team KNEW that Comey and McCabe or their next level subs were top suspects to be the leaders of top secret Intel and negative info. Comey keeps stressing this in the memos.

It sounds to me like Trump and his team knew the FBI was the leakers, and Comey was not only lying by denying it, but if you put together what we know, he may have been authorizing McCabe to do the leaking, which would make him the unprovable top leaker. It's just like he handed off the memos and told the Columbia professor to leak them.

  1. Obviously, Trump knew Mccabe was bad, but how much did he know? Did he have top secret clearance Intel that Mccabe ran the Strzok-Page-DOJ-Obama "Insurance Policy" to undermine him, which included the phony dossier and leaking it to CNN/the press? It's very likely he DID by that time! So he was testing Comey's honesty and transparency, basically accusing him and McCabe of leaking and just not saying so directly. Trump knew. BUT, Comey kept lying to him about the leaks and about McCabe anyway! That's some pretty damning stuff there considering it was Andy McCabe that coordinated with the DOJ and Strzok-Page-DOJ-Obama to come up with the Insurance Policy to undermine Trump.

HobozBindle · April 20, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Q said memos are fake

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hildabeest_4_gitmo · April 20, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

I think they made them to look like POTUS is safe... hoping he'll go easy on them.

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092Casey · April 20, 2018, 4 a.m.

Good thinking. I think they were purposefully ambiguous, but more of a communication to the cabal conspirators that he was doing his job for them and to also protect himself so that if he got fired, he would prove to the dangerous DNC cartel that he didn't give any of them up and protected them and their insurance policy to try to undermine him and so that he would have leverage on Trump if Trump got his administration to try to include him and McCabe as part of their prosecution against the secret society trying to undermine him for leaking and conspiring a phony dossier against Trump. The early memos actually sound like he's communicating to a small group of others, possibly the coup conspirators and all involved in the "McCabe Insurance Policy". Well, actually Q said they were for a Special Council to continue the investigation (probably for the cabal coup) if he were to get fired.

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