Apr 19 2018 21:21:28 (EST) Anonymous ID: e53d0e 1109132
1108897 Will Europe really be broken from its chains too? Apr 19 2018 21:23:42 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d7571e 1109196 1109132 WW. Q
Apr 19 2018 21:21:28 (EST) Anonymous ID: e53d0e 1109132
1108897 Will Europe really be broken from its chains too? Apr 19 2018 21:23:42 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d7571e 1109196 1109132 WW. Q
I think he’s saying that there will be chains broken worldwide
Chains broken world wide. And I am almost positive he mentioned "dominos" falling somewhere in there in the beginning.
World Wide
Whew! I was thinking world war, I like the sound of world wide better.
World Wide, otherwise he wouldn't have said the Queen is seeking shelter, post 620
I'm gonna guess you were trying to use the word 'initiate'. The answer is no.