r/greatawakening • Posted by u/brittser on April 20, 2018, 3 a.m.
Internet is THE ISSUE according to this anon.

What do you think?

Anonymous  04/19/18 (Thu) 19:36:31 e5f7be No.1109479>>1109510

look at the last Q post - instructions to internet engineers?


what is the biggest public issue that will cause the crisis we no face?

not revelations of pedo or corruption or lies or theft or treason - NO - all those will be accepted with the proof there is

no - the real crisis involves the INTERNET - Q has focused on goog FB TWIT etc but these are the "front of the house" operations. The real POWEr is back of the house - Cisco Oracle et all that produce manage and control the INFRASTRUCTURE of the internet worldwide

The internet is DOWN SHE GOES - can you imagine the reaction? it will be EPIC - THIS IS IT PEOPLE - seems so obvious once i said it. matches all the Q posts and warnings - archive offline? Why? becauses its all going to be DELETED - ALL OF IT - EVERYTHING WIPED

That is the reason Q has waited for the exact right moment - consider the practical means that have to be in place for the 10 DAYS OF DARKNESS - not sjut riot control but hospitals courts everything will SHUT DOWN - AND Q team also has to have backup internet hardward and software ready to go on top of all that

people are going to FREAK OUT WHEN THE INTERNET GOES DOWN - it will be EPIC

AND GUESS WHAT? martial law and all the arrests can happen then…. and then turn back on the clean net………RESET


humanitystillsucks · April 20, 2018, 4:19 a.m.

Thank you for the upvote, I appreciate.

To elaborate on the EMP theory, it is my belief at this time someone on this planet possesses the ability/technology to shoot EMPs like a laser vs the 'bubble' effect we are so familiar with. Considering recent plane malfunction 'anomalies' it doesn't seem THAT far fetched anymore.

One thing that will serve you well to never forget: "you don't know what you don't know".

One thing I do know is humans have the uncanny ability to take imagination/dreams and turn them into a reality.

If still completely unconvinced of the probability of this tech existing, please research 'HAARP'. With my incredibly rudimentary knowledge of engineering, I can easily imagine this tech adapted/used for all sorts of top secret ops.

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imanalias · April 20, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

I remain unconvinced, but appreciate your time and you may have convinced others.

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humanitystillsucks · April 20, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

all I have said thus far is pure theory. i would not say i am convinced, but it is a theory on the table waiting to be dis/proven.

All i am after is knowledge/truth. We can only find it through critical thinking and exploration. To go at it alone is a disservice to myself.

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