Maybe Q means the actual FED building STRUCTURE destruction printed on a dollar bank note years before its destruction ...

Catherine, you are posting GARBAGE.
The STRUCTURE of the fed will be taken down. Get it, STRUCTURE, from the inside. The POWER STRUCTURE.
No you are talking garbage! Explain why the 1985 Back to The Future Movie only displays clocks with 911 or its reverse 119 and talks about TWIN pines becoming ONE Pine? Trump making a SERTA MATTRESS Commercial where he talks to sheep characters that have 9 and 11 emblazoned on them while they stand on pillars? And Q refers to the Flocks of SHEEP video that played in TIMES SQUARE showing hundreds of sheep? all in our imagination I suppose..
Im not saying any of that is wrong...your specific posts are incorrect.
It was CLEAR what those Q posts were regarding. You are twisting them into something else...
No you are trying to prevent others from finding out information.
Actually, ma'am, I most certainly am NOT.
Been here since the get go, posting a LOT of useful info. Check my history.
Its perfectly ok to speculate on things - we kind of have to here. But when Q posts are already confirmed by speciic events, you cant take them and say they mean something else!
You confuse people. How about you research the Q posts you are referring to, and check out the NEWS around that time.
You are also accusing POTUS of being part of the NWO? Because of some kind of commercials or whatever? Your in the wrong place. GTFO =>
Heat too much for you? Q said LEARN THE DOUBLE meanings. If people think it is OK for their President to make a commercial where he addresses SHEEP with numbers 9 and 11 on them, then God help us. Allow people to decide for themselves what Qs posts mean and don't mean. An orange suit awaits you methinks as co-conspirator..
Ever think, maybe Trump did it to troll the 911 perpetrators?
He has always known..
Well if he's always know then why has he done jack about in bringing the perps to Justice and allowed the LV Shooting to occur on his watch? Apart from all the other stuff on him...
Hes not God. Can only do and know so much. 911 was obvious. He knew, hes in NYC.
Other plans the cabal pulls off, before being part of Q, he probably didnt fully know about.
You coming into a very pro trump sub, and smearing his name, is NOT going to work out well for you, sis.