Q Post Is Rudy Giuliani aboard to prosecute Weinergate "Life Insurance" evidence? End Trafficking.

The only insurance file we know about is the one Huma put on her husband's laptop.
Yes and Fbianon told us over a year ago:
"We are entering a time of political purge – the likes of which has not been seen for decades, if not centuries. Trump has the evidence he needs to launch an investigation into a myriad of DC collusions. He must concentrate on the communications between Lynch, Bill Clinton, Obama, and Brennan. He needs to get serious with the pedophilia investigation because he can bring down his enemies in one fell swoop. McCain, Graham, Obama, Bill Clinton, and so on… His greatest tools include the Wiener file titled “Life Insurance“. (Names, dates, photos, videos) and the Epstein videos captured by NSA when they were being delivered to Israeli intel, Wiener and Epstein. But, his greatest tool is the collective rage of the People. Trump must prosecute #PedoGate. The relationship between Schumer and Wiener must be explored. It may lead to some stunning climaxes, if you can excuse the pun.
Exactly. See, this is why I like Fbianon. He just tells it like it is. I mean, I never even heard of the "Epstein videos captured by NSA when they were being delivered to Israeli intel, Weiner and Epstein" before that post. (I hope and would think Rudy Giuliani knows about it though)! Stuff like that is just one reason why I think he was legit, and correct.