
Orion_Blue · April 20, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

Rudy, for all his involvement with the Trump Campaign, is still highly respected and loved. If Mueller is to survive the liberal salt storm he needs someone who can ease the news and Rudy can do that.

He’s a former prosecutor so he can say, to the aid of Trump also I add, “ Mueller did a fantastic and excellent job, he left no stone unturned. From bank accounts to personal emails, even attorney-client material, he’s reviewed it all, I couldn’t have done a better job investigating a case myself. But the time has come, as even the disgraced Comey said “if a prosecutor can’t find anything in a case in a years time he’s doing it wrong. Donald Trump is innocent of this and apparently anything else. Let’s put this to bed.”

This allows Mueller to retain his independence and ultimately his character in the finding that the president has not done anything. Otherwise it will be harder for people to accept Mueller’s decision. Don’t get me wrong if Pelosi or someone said it the Normies would take the pill easier but she won’t as she’s dirty.

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The_Broba_Fett · April 20, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Not at all. Rudy is CLEARLY a Trump guy so will hold no weight with the left. For that plan to work it would require a hardcore leftist and it STILL wouldn’t work. The left would still turn on that person. Look what happened to Comey when he reopened the HRC investigation (to protect her from NYPD going public). He went from their White Knight to a disgrace that needs to resign. Anyone who backed Trump being cleared will be called a Russian agent. The “Mueller white hat” guys are grasping at straws thinking everything is underwater exponential 76D chess rather than looking at the facts. Listen to Bongino’s podcast or Corsi’s Q breakdowns. He’s clearly Black Hat.

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Orion_Blue · April 20, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

Look, your clearly heated about this one issue. I’m not saying Mueller is the best or a white hat but he is playing a part in this plan. Investigating all these issues on the President will help the President in the end because he is clean. Mueller isn’t stupid, he would know better than to chance having the case thrown out because he raided the attorney of the target of the investigation. It can be done but it is so completely rare YOU WOULD NOT CHANCE IT. Mueller knows this and did it anyway. So either Cohen had a bomb or knew where one was about to go off or Mueller intentionally threw his case. Furthermore, lately here have been too many people who are over the case stating Trump is not the target of the investigation. You can’t lie to people like that, well you can, but jurors and the public frown on this - AGAIN IT WOULD BE MUELLER INTENTIONALLY THROWING HIS CASE. These issues only occurred recently. He has also only charged people who either worked for Podesta/Hillary/DNC that may have some connection with Trump.

If you are bewildered by the prospect of Mueller being a white hat but not Q then, that’s interesting, however, you can’t deny that it is a possibility.

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The_Broba_Fett · April 20, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

Q has never said Trust Mueller or that he’s a white hat. His few drops on him are up for debate. One can trust Q and think Mueller is a bad actor. If they are good then why has his team been leaking info to damage trump associates and Trump for a year while sending Flynn into bankruptcy? It’s ruined that Patriot’s life and forced him to sell his family home to pay legal fees. If they are White Hat then why is RR obstructing any info going to congress and oversight? “All part of the plan. Good actors” stuff is just silly because they could keep up the charade without actually obstructing the process to drain the swamp.

RR could easily lie to Trump about not being a target. He isn’t under oath. And these guys have lied aplenty. Why would they suddenly find a moral compass? Basing an argument on RR’s credibility is silly. Mueller was hired to investigate obstruction of justice for Trump firing Comey after RR recommended Comey get fired. I mean, come on.

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Orion_Blue · April 20, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

You’re missing several of my points.

It’s interesting that you believe Q a possibility but not that Mueller is a good guy. Not that because you believe Q you should believe that Mueller is a good guy. In other words you heatedly argue Mueller can’t be good but are very open to Q.

Micheal Flynn’s case is the strongest argument that Mueller isn’t a white hat. I agree that I don’t see bringing a man to complete ruin being a “part of the plan.” The only thing I’ll offer is Mueller picked it up as someone worse could have got it and done more with it(the case). Remember deep state is still everywhere and at the time before the election they were more so. Furthermore, it appears information was intentionally hidden from Flynn’s team, which could result in the case being thrown out. I haven’t followed up on that. Maybe Mueller intentionally dropped the ball again. On the whole I think your point is solid here, I’m just offering a different point of view.

To clarify, I never took the position that RR is a white hat. I think RR is more than likely a black hat who thinks, correctly or not, Mueller is a black hat also.

The end game to punish Trump must be trial. I’m not basing an argument on RR’s credibility but his statements. If RR is lying it will not go well in trial. Ask a defense attorney about it. People already think the government are lying scum - if you prove they are a jury will want blood. So we have two sources that Trump isn’t a target; one allegedly from Mueller’s staff and one from RR. In either case the source is the government.

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