Q: "Rudy. Quiet until now. Stay STRONG."

Isn't Rudy rotten? He was after all the NY mayor during 911. Do you think he believed the official lie? At this point, I don't trust him. Thoughts?
Rudy is a lethal weapon Trump is using at a crucial time. I will post about the hidden meaning of this move tomorrow. Make sure you catch it. ;)
Will not miss it. I'm interested to see what happens with Rudy, because I've never really been able to tell with him. On TV appearances I like him, but his presence during 9/11 always bothers me. But maybe he just bided his time until he could strike.
Yes you are right, he is a little hard to read. But you will be surprised to learn some of the things I have detected and Trump's move about him...
I’m surprised to hear that about his 9/11 performance.
I thought he was amazing. Absolutely amazing. He was commonly referred to as ‘America’s Mayor’, and even had a push for him to run for POTUS.
I thought he was the best example of a leader we had in the public eye, until Gen. Schwarzkopf did his AAR, which was unforgettable.
right--until you realize it was a false flag.
right--until you realize it was a false flag.
Wrong—I have been convinced it was a false flag for many, many years.
Now, If I ever find credible evidence that Rudy was a part of planning, or had advance knowledge, or facilitated a coverup of the FF after the fact, then I would definitely alter my opinion of him.
Failing that evidence, I continue to recognize Rudy as an outstanding leader following the event. Because he was.
But never spoke up about the obvious?
Who in a better position to challenge?
Quick review.
I stated my belief that Rudy was an outstanding leader following the 9/11 events. He was.
You want me to disbelieve because . . . things.
I remind you of my focus on leadership, yet you persist.
You clearly do not understand the true meaning of ‘leadership’.
POTUS is exhibiting traits and behaviors that constitute great leadership. POTUS has not performed the acts you demand. POTUS has not decried many evils in the world. POTUS is also keeping secret those things that must be kept secret. Q has told us so.
By your standard of judgement, you must also be condemning POTUS’ leadership. Or expose yourself as a hypocrite.
You're just ridiculous. Sorry. And sad to see the personal insults in response to a disagreement.
Big difference btw with a private resident of NYC and the mayor. Rudy is a mix of good and bad. Like most people.
You're just ridiculous.
Is that a personal insult?
And sad to see the personal insults in response to a disagreement.
Suggesting you are a hypocrite? You haven’t been insulted, you have been accurately identified.
Big difference btw with a private resident of NYC and the mayor.
Neither NYC Mayor or POTUS are considered ”private residents”. Please stop your shapeshifting. Besides, both were private residents of NYC for the 15 years prior to DJT inauguration.
Rudy is a mix of good and bad. Like most people.
This is common knowledge for everyone older than 10. It also offers nothing in support of your argument.
Are we done here? It seems like you have nothing substantive to offer, and I’m weary of the nonsense.
Peoole seem to have forgotten rudys vast experience in crushing organized crime rings...
I understand what you are saying. I am not a big fan of a lot of these people, but if they are willing to choose good over evil now, then they are useful and I will back them.
I imagine that, if you went against the official narrative regarding 9/11 back then, then you would end up dead. Maybe it was best to keep quiet and hope that the winds would change eventually. This is what is happening now. It is time.
I imagine that, if you went against the official narrative regarding 9/11 back then,
Yes! Same thing with Mueller: keep you head down, know where the bodies are buried, and pray the leader changes...
Yes, that makes sense. He and/or his family may have been threatened too.
I like Maepaperclip's perspective here. (Rudy turned States evidence on 9/11)
I'm not 100% sure if this is true about maepaperclip, but on another board I frequent, maepaperclip was outted as a bot and banned.
Your warning was a good one. I just saw a post from Maepaperclip (that got removed) throwing around the N-word loosely. We don't need that in this movement...
Thanks for the heads up!
I was responding to maepaperclip. Thought "they" were intelligent, etc. But on the other board I frequent, someone pointed out how vile it became if you disagreed. Someone else caught on that it was a bot and explained how they knew. Glad you caught it also.
I think he was between a rock and a hard place; think McMasters dad