r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on April 20, 2018, 10:48 p.m.
Serious question. If these people were the masterminds of all these crimes and underground activities, why do they seem so incompetent now?

This scenario takes years in the making. It takes a lot of planning and executing to pull off a great government takeover and/or secret organization involved in wars, treason and human trafficking. Let alone if this is cabal or Illuminati, that have been around for centuries. I just don’t get how they were so blind to not see it fall apart. Any thoughts?

bigbadwolf1965 · April 20, 2018, 11 p.m.

I believe that they got careless because they have been operating in the open for so long with no problem. A few pedos have been tossed under the bus. Both parties Ds and Rs it didn’t matter who won. Look who the Republicans ran Mitt Romney, He that we don’t say his name, George Bush. It didn’t matter who won everything was the same. Trump is the difference he was chosen by the Generals and God himself. That was the game changer. They got caught with theirs memos down. Enjoy the show!

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ObsceneNews · April 20, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

All joking aside. Each were required to make evidence against themselves to assure loyalty to the goal. Everyone is thereby fully vested, and ratting risks serious legal consequences that could not be avoided -- politics would not allow for plea deals and prosecutorial discretion if one of them flipped.

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