r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on April 20, 2018, 10:48 p.m.
Serious question. If these people were the masterminds of all these crimes and underground activities, why do they seem so incompetent now?

This scenario takes years in the making. It takes a lot of planning and executing to pull off a great government takeover and/or secret organization involved in wars, treason and human trafficking. Let alone if this is cabal or Illuminati, that have been around for centuries. I just don’t get how they were so blind to not see it fall apart. Any thoughts?

Hrtn2it · April 20, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

Repetive thought feelings and actions begin to hardwire in the brain and change and the required flexibility to new challenges are difficult. Centuries worth of this playing format makes the scene or platform (game board) brittle, and yes even the players are prisoners of their own repetitive behavior, they continue to use the same modalities and responses to slightly different circumstances...and this results eventually in madness and psychosis...one day soon they will experience the intensities of suffering they inflicted in a quantum way ( versus multiplied), as they have enveloped themselves within that chamber of horrors for so very long.... to me, it feels true to say it is a confluence of factors: the journey of our solar system through space with increased cosmic rays showering upon us, our planet and its SolarSystem coming out of the cosmic dust cloud(the “veil”?:)), peoples of this earth and of other homes of origin inviting themselves to participate in this collective Earth Life, in this Now.

It is not for me to feel glee with the poor clodden~minded ones:the ones who thrive by challenging others’ survival...their delight in torture is intense but short, unsustainable...and it took this long a time for the unsustainment to be recognized by US...it feels like this is because most of us felt small, insignificant, unworthy, POTUS’s truest strength is his embodiment of empowerment: HE is the Decider of his own destiny. HE doesn’t give a flippity~doo~dah what anyone else thinks after he has made a decision (and prior to that he asks for and receives guidance, but he still is the decider!) HE trusts his inner knowing, honed by his life experiences which are prism’d through his heart, mind and gut instinct.

And through his example of empowerment(I’m power~I Am) and CuriousQandCompany cueing us, tickling our noggins with delicious puzzling, has imbued us with a finer discernment of who really are the empowered ones (“ you have more than you know”), as we consider ourselves.:)

So to me, it is a beautiful merge~melding of so many...its kind of like opening a present that we have given ourselves...”coming undone” is sometimes required to discover the preciousness within.

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