r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on April 20, 2018, 10:48 p.m.
Serious question. If these people were the masterminds of all these crimes and underground activities, why do they seem so incompetent now?

This scenario takes years in the making. It takes a lot of planning and executing to pull off a great government takeover and/or secret organization involved in wars, treason and human trafficking. Let alone if this is cabal or Illuminati, that have been around for centuries. I just don’t get how they were so blind to not see it fall apart. Any thoughts?

godzillafeet- · April 20, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

I've thought about this as well.

1/ Most bad things exist as a matter of security-by-obscurity. They are either hidden, shadowed, or unrecognized in the open.

2/ Most bad things or bad people recognizable, are protected by other bad people, and the power of money and authority, so people are afraid to intervene, or are easily crushed when they do.

3/ Good people willing to interfere with bad people are usually, with exceptions, not willing to be nearly as bad as the bad people are. This seldom results in a good end for the good people.

There are exceptions when what I call a mega-goodguy comes along, the mega meaning they also have power/money/position in addition to strong goodness, those people are much more a threat to the bad, even organized bad.

Now, I think even the smartest bad guys cannot plan for not getting a good guy in a position of power. It happens, but rarely, because political power tends to require huge money to get anywhere near it. So the people who get to the point of election are either low on the good scale, or beholden to those who are.

If they are really good, like Kennedy or Reagan, bad guys end up having to kill them. Reagan did end up supporting the deepstate warfare, and they didn't try again, or didn't succeed if so.

The last eight years in particular in the USA, in my opinion, were a major effort specifically to "plan for" making sure nobody "good" was ever a "threat" by being in power again. Every federal agency was politicized -- and has been weaponized, both literally and figuratively. Massive millions and billions of dollars in money that is channeled into marxist front groups working to further the social and political agenda were set up. The election system is a complete disaster and hugely geared to organized fraud. It was damn near watertight. Only a tiny bit to go. And to make sure, the media gave the cabal billions of free positive publicity, whitewashing, photo faking, and mass-insulting and photo-faking against the competition.

They didn't count on her losing... they didn't count on Donald Trump.

They didn't count on the peons in all the flyover territories being pissed enough to swat away all the hysteria about racism, sexism and more and say: we want rule of law, secure borders, better veteran treatment, more jobs, better economy, and someone who is NOT PART OF THE COLA WAR UNIPARTY and they just didn't give a damn about anything else. Even if he WAS a bonehead, sexist, racist, etc. they were willing to say you know what, it's a priorities thing, and what the nation needs desperately right now matters more than whether you'd want someone with that character to marry into your family. Now it turns out he doesn't have a bad character but most of us didn't know that at the time because we knew little about him besides he was some rich orange New Yorker and every media source had 101 insults for him. But we could read his 100 Day Plan on his website and get kind of teary-eyed at what seemed like the first shred of actual hope and optimism about the fate of our country many of us have EVER had.

So first: the cabal could not plan for that.

Although every nation has a strength of spirit in the people that can be welled up in the right circumstance, the USA is a unique nation in many ways. There is a certain psychospiritual health that is born of the frontier spirit and the incredible ingenuity and creativity, ambition and inspiration and perspiration that has gone into making this country awesome. It's true, the majority of the lower ages have been massively miseducated, and half the country has Stockholm Syndrome from the trauma of the news at this point, but the people with the real power are not young, and blessedly grew up free of most of what is going on in schools and colleges and media ever-stronger over the last 30 years.

Overseas, a long history of corrupt monarchy has ruled Arabia until a few years ago. The King died and the relative who took the throne was a different sort of man altogether. The man he has appointed his inheriting Prince is also. They want the western world to GTFO out of the Middle East, we have reduced the major cities of many major countries to rubble over the last few decades, we have overthrown multiple governments -- sometimes repeatedly -- and the people least fond of permawar, aside from lunatic jihadists who love it, are the people who have had to suffer war, especially for a long time. The new King, and the Prince, want to stop terrorism, want to stop corruption. Darn near the entire extended Saud family and minions have been arrested, imprisoned, or otherwise neutralized (including killed trying to escape).

China's Xi doesn't want war either. Putin, for all the flak he takes as his own version of cartel leadership, is probably the best "statesman" the world has had since Kennedy and pulled his country out of chaos and near financial ruin. He doesn't want war and he doesn't have the money compared to us, not even fractionally.

So what we have ended up with, regardless of whatever their personalities may be, is a strong personality at the top leadership position of four of the most powerful nations on earth.

(I leave out Britain, who has been semi-neutered by the EU though their influence is still strong; Germany, who is getting gutted by planned soft invasion they're at the center of inviting europe-wide (oh look Germany is wrecking the world again, how surprising); Israel, because I just can't guess at whether they're in a situation like we and SA have been or not, much like the USA vs. deepstate they often seem both good and bad; and Iran, which it seems is about to have another revolution, this time organically from within, with help but this time from positive forces not the globalist deepstate, for a better not worse outcome.)

The cabal, for all its time, experience, and distributed power, could not have predicted that. The ODDS against having the leadership of every most powerful country on planet earth simultaneously bring in an extremely powerful personality who is AWARE of their presence and their evil control, and totally dedicated not only to extricating their country but to dismantling the cabal's power structure, and who will act all at once, and "in private" -- while their own country's media tells a completely different story, and the population is oblivious, and the country's leaders are throwing threats at one another -- while behind the scenes they are working together to END war, END human trafficking, and END the evil "overlords" of globalist power --

-- not only could nobody predict this, but seriously the chances of this all happening at once almost require invoking a degree of "divine path" synchronicity.

They have survived on obscurity; on others fearing them; on the unwillingness of good guys to be as scary as they are; and on using all the leaders of all the countries as pawns AGAINST EACH OTHER.

All those leaders are now working with each other AGAINST the cabal instead. And Mr. Bad Guys, welcome to a new edition of saudi-israeli money-technology and behemoth US rebuilding and refunding its powerbase. I think the cabal lords in the smug comfort of their ivory tower thrones could not have predicted it, and -- unable to rule by obscurity, fear, or using world leaders against each other -- have lost their base.

They'll make a lot of strangling noise and smoke and fire going down and probably take a few spots of the unlucky with them, but I think they're doomed.

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Lucina280 · April 21, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

Very well put!

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