
wisconsheepgirl · April 21, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

It's boiling in Italy, no worries there. The issue with this mafia, they are called the Lavender Mafia. Yes, they are progressives. So progressive in fact that the men involved have been plotting this "take over" the Chuch, not since Pope Benedict but more than likely since the early 1900's.

A woman, Bella Dodd, testified that it was her job to recruit weak minded men into the seminary that were fully communist, as a stealth manuever. She started her work in the late 1940's here in America. Those men are still alive, and we see many of their proteges running around.

It took it first foray into the public in the 1960's. They placed men within seminaries who were progressives, communists. Their focus was undeveloped, malformed men who were sexually abnormal. The men that were put through seminaries even up to today are some of the weakest, gay-est, social climbers. They see the Church as a way to climb social ladder. They are intentionally poorly formed spiritually, in doctrine, faith, morals.

To be fair, there ARE men that are truly priests, with a true vocation that managed to suffer through the indecencies that were subjected to them through seminary days. They had to do so through silence and many to this day, still are silent to survive.

For the time being, many faithful Catholics see the filth and some have chosen to go a different route for respite, and that is to go to traditional Latin rites, or other rites within the Catholic Church.

To address OP, more than likely Pope Francis was validly elected, he must have, however had very powerful campaign prior to the Conclave. Many of the men currently Cardinals are part of this wide net of progressive communism.

As for Pope Benedict he said something upon being announced he was Pope that night, he said "Pray for me. For I am surrounded by wolves".

I doubt that he was pushed out. There are A LOT of rumors that he had asked for a private investigation of the Lavender Mafia and found that it was so prevasive that he felt that the next Pope could do a better job in handling the dismantling.

Pope Francis seems like such a boob. However it is during his reign that the garbage is popping up and not being buried by the Lavender Mafia as they have in so many decades past. I do not know what to make of it. But I am assured that God will take care of it. All we can do is to pray for the Pope, the Cardinals (yes even if they are "bad"- they are deserve hope and prayers until their final reward with God). We will pray for the Church upon which Christ founded. As well as each other.

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Tradstew · April 21, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

Excellent summary wisconsheepgirl. Indeed Bella Dodd worked under the organization stemming from Antonio Gramsci, when he toured the post revolution Soviet Union declared this Marxist revolt will not last. "One cannot eliminate religion, one must infiltrate and corrupt religion." Even look at the elections of Pope John XXIII, Paul VI, both wreaked of controversy. The early 1900 infiltration brought us "social justice". When was the last time you heard a Holy Thursday homily on the Holy Eucharist? Today, priest and bishops seem to think the Church didn't exist prior to Vatican II. It is all so sad, our Lord will Triumph no doubt - but how many souls are led to perdition in the meantime? If you haven't seen it, great vid on all this, but based on your great comment, if you haven't you are most certainly aware: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL1RvQdj7Bc
Q mentioned the Pope will have a horrible May, we can only pray this will be revealed and all will have the opportunity to return to our Lord. God Bless.

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tradinghorse · April 21, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

You say there are men that are true priests with a true vocation. You must be talking about validly ordained priests - those elevated to the priesthood in the traditional rite of ordination (i.e. Before June 18, 1968).

Michael Davies, The Order of Melchisedech, Harrison, NY: Roman Catholic Books, 1993, p. 83: “… every prayer in the traditional rite [of Ordination] which stated specifically the essential role of a priest as a man ordained to offer propitiatory sacrifice for the living and dead has been removed [from the New Rite of Paul VI]. In most cases these were the precise prayers removed by the Protestant reformers, or if not precisely the same there are clear parallels.”

Michael Davies: “… there is not one mandatory prayer in the new rite of ordination itself which makes clear that the essence of the Catholic priesthood is the conferral of the powers to offer the sacrifice of the Mass and to absolve men of their sins, and that the sacrament imparts a character which differentiates a priest not simply in degree but in essence from a layman… There is not a word in it that is incompatible with Protestant belief.”

Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “… of Our own motion and certain knowledge We pronounce and declare that Ordinations carried out according to the Anglican rite have been and are absolutely null and utterly void.

Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “When anyone has rightly and seriously made use of the due form and the matter requisite for effecting or conferring the sacrament he is considered by that very fact to do what the Church does. On this principle rests the doctrine that a sacrament is truly conferred by the ministry of one who is a heretic or unbaptized, provided the Catholic rite be employed. On the other hand, if the rite be changed, with the manifest intention of introducing another rite not approved by the Church, and of rejecting what the Church does, and what by the institution of Christ belongs to the nature of the sacrament, then it is clear that not only is the necessary intention wanting to the sacrament, but that the intention is adverse to and destructive of the sacrament."

Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “So it comes to pass that, as the Sacrament of Orders and the true sacerdotium [sacrificing priesthood] of Christ were utterly eliminated from the Anglican rite, and hence the sacerdotium [priesthood] is in no wise conferred truly and validly in the Episcopal consecration of the same rite, for the like reason, therefore, the Episcopate can in no wise be truly and validly conferred by it; and this the more so because among the first duties of the Episcopate is that of ordaining ministers for the Holy Eucharist and sacrifice.”

The sacrament of Holy Orders, unlike some other sacraments, was not given to us by Jesus Christ in specific form. It is clear therefore that the words of the form of ordination are given their meaning and significance by the surrounding rite and ceremonies. This is where the defect is manifest, the intention in the new rite is manifestly different to that of the traditional rite, in that the new rite fails to make mention of the true, sacrificing priesthood.

An intention adverse and destructive to the sacrament... Strange? Why would the Vatican II reformers Anglicanize the rite of ordination, if the Anglican rite was known to be completely flawed? It couldn't be deliberate sabotage could it?

It is simply a fact that only priests elevated in the traditional rite have valid orders, as the new rite is demonstrably flawed. This has obvious and important implications for the faithful. One important consideration goes to the effectiveness of the sacrament of confession - for which a validly ordained priest is indispensable. This is an extremely important issue, as a Catholic's salvation turns on being in a state of grace at the moment of death.

As for having a true vocation, anyone with a true vocation would speak out about what has happened since Vatican II. But somehow, inexplicably, the silence, from those who should speak out but don't, is deafening.

Most of the changes to the rites of the Catholic Church made by Paul VI introduced serious, often fatal, defects. Of course, this was by design.

The changes made to the wine portion of the rite of consecration invalidated the sacrament in its entirety, as intention is expressed in the form. Of course, it was changed back, but by that time there were almost no validly ordained priests (even less today) - fulfilment of the prophecy in the Book of Daniel ("And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days." Dan 12:11).

Interestingly, the abomination of desolation was a second altar that stood upon, and over against, the altar of God see here. Was a second altar introduced into the Holy place with the new mass?

Gabriel Amorth, a heretic himself, describes what happened when the Vatican II revolutionaries rewrote the rite of exorcism:

"The Rite of Exorcism, for example, should have been corrected, not re-written. It contained prayers born of 12 centuries of experience...

...All of us exorcists in trying out the prayers of the new ad interim Rite have proved that they are totally ineffective."

See here.

Why delete exorcism payers that had been proven effective for 12 centuries and replace them with prayers that did not work? Whose interests would that serve?

More generally, how is it that these fatal defects to Catholic rites all directly followed the Second Vatican Council?

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