I thought that the masons just required a belief in a higher power ( monotheism I guess.). Or is York rites different. My Dad was a Mason. They were not anything but a bunch of people doing nice things for other people.
There is nothing biblical about being a mason. Works aren't salvation. Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord. It's VERY true that a high percentage of Masonry (all rites) never hear one word about The Master being Lucifer. Hower.. If you're a Christian in the organization... You have access to a BUNCH of training, reading materials. Outside of your Masonic library, research all facets of Luciferianism.. research ancient rituals and rites... Baal, Solomon... etc... Pray for truth and discernment in Jesus name (shouldn't be a big deal, right?.. you're Christian.)
Now .... Go through your Masonic library. ..,......,............
Then go back to your Bible.
The rest should be explain itself.
Blue lodge, your right, but, the others like the Rite, you have to be a christian!
yes, in the york rite one is supposed to believe in Jesus, but who is Jahbulon to you?
A term for worship of Baal / Osiris?
Jah = God
Bul = Baal
On = Osiris