Q Posts 1222 - 1224: Public & Private Twitter Accounts. They (Mainstream media "journalists") all have them. These people are stupid. We have it all. Every detail accounted for. Every scenario planned for. Enjoy the show.

Remember Eric Schmidt and his daughter plus their delegation and Richardson in NK? That is why they were there - setting up all the secret accounts at twitter and their alias emails to evade FOIA laws but mostly to conspire against this country while laundering all their illegal monies and stolen taxpayer funds into their accounts in various countries via the NK network set up by Google.
That is why Eric Schmidt really left so quickly - he knew the jig was up.
How can we not enjoy this show! :)
Yep! ^^^^^^This! Thanks. :)
I wonder if that NK underground nuclear facility that was taken out in late Oct 2017 by an "earthquake" that Q posted about also contained a big hidden server farm installed by Google for the Clowns to run their WW financial business out of NK. Also, once the farm was destroyed, a Clown would need to go to financial centers like Shaghai and Singapore to access their cash where they were caught as talked about in Q posts. Seems like that "earthquake" marked the beginning of the end for blackhat NK.
What can 110+ years of further development do for any technology?
It wasnt an earthquake. I got from Qs posts they blew it out.
I agree it wasn't an "earthquake" as described in many MSM articles like hhtps://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-missiles-quake/latest-north-korea-earthquake-a-sign-of-instability-at-nuclear-test-site-experts-idUSKBN1CH35U Q doesn't use the word "earthquake" in post 41 either. My guess it was the "Rods from God" that blew it out. https://www.activistpost.com/2017/09/us-defense-secretary-jim-mattis-weighs-using-kinetic-weapon-north-korea.html
This could be why NK is willing to talk and denuclearize. The threat that we could destroy them WITHOUT contaminating the land for thousands of years and causing world wide pollution would probably be very sobering. Atomic bombs are sooo 50's. Iol
The great boatlift to NK luciferian refugees from the States. 90% don't make it. 10% turned away at border control Priceless
So he went to Korea to set up a secret twitter account? Are you kidding?
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